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Wirral Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I'm a drummer turned mix engineer/editor with a degree in audio.
i am artist and songwriter
Having successfully performed live in front of 8,000 people last summer, I am excited to find new projects and challenges in 2020. I am looking forward to collaborating with like minded passionate musicians to create some incredible music and develop as an artist.
My name is Ayden Mayer and I'm looking for a producer who can help me with finishing my first Album that I want to release this year (2023) Below I have made a few tracks that you can listen to to know how I sound Email: aydenmayerofficial@gmail.com
Hi, I'm DrewReaL Mixing/Mastering With over 10 years of experience in audio engineering, sound design, and mixing/mastering, I’m passionate about helping artists and creators bring their vision to life. Whether it’s polishing a track for release, crafting immersive soundscapes, or enhancing audio for a podcast, game, or even for TV/Film!
Recent Successes
"Jazelle was a pleasure to work with. She was professional and embraced me and my project with a genuinely positive vibe. Jazelle had my song done promptly with excellent vocals and sound quality."
"Ilya mixed and mastered two of my songs, which included orchestras and vocals. I am very satisfied with his work. He was extremely precise and attentive to detail. He was very available and I am certain that I would l..."
"Jim has done a fantastic job in bringing my tracks to life. I'm looking forward to continuing working with him."
"Tim is a LEGEND! Great to work with - you can tell how much he cares about the projects he takes on for his clients, which is refreshing, as I have gone through MANY on this site that just rush to collect the cash. He..."
"Fantastic, as always!!!! "
"I Appreciate Theresa's Love for the Lord. May God Bless Her and her Entire Fam and Friends. It Was an Experience working with her. I Would work with her again Her Voice is Soothing and Peaceful. Thank you The..."
"Emanuele was very kind. I was unhappy with the original track and he kindly gave a revision for free"
"How Maria! Never mind, I don’t want to know. That’s part of the charm and magic of you. Your touch on my music could never be overstated. Until next time… Xoxo Tina 🌹"
"It was again amazing to work with ILITSYA! She was very quick with high quality lyrics and vocals! I Can recommend her to anybody that is in need of amazing female vocals!!"