Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with opal staples
We help artists & labels stand out & get their music heard. We house all of the vocalists, musicians, and producers in one place to meet your production needs.
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Electronic, Pop, RnB, Indie, Alternative, Acoustic, Classical, and Hip-hop. I ghostwrite, produce backing tracks, compose toplines, sing, and play 6 instruments. My tracks have reached Spotify's Top 50 Viral with millions of streams across the globe, I love collaborating with other musicians, and I genuinely care about making your project rad!
Mixing Engineer, 18 years experience in voice handling , mixing and mastering. As every artist is unique so unique were the tracks i worked on, there is no one size that fits all, get in touch, let me listen, if i decide to work on your track- i will be as dedicated to it and as determined with it -as if it were mine.
Here to deliver quality assistance in getting you to the sound you have in your head. Either through producing your next single, mixing it or both. I am for the artists that need extra polish to their music as they hone their work without the difficult to meet price.
Hello! My name is Alexa and I am a singer-songwriter and vocalist based in the Los Angeles area. My genres include folk, indie, country, and jazz. Along with my personal projects, I also have worked in synch music and toplining.
amin - Nobody else [Mixing] amin - N05 [Mixing, Mastering] oceanfromtheblue - Luv-fi (2018) [Mixing, Mastering] slchld - she likes spring, I prefer winter. [Mastering] slchld - don't waste your time [Mastering] slchld - camellia [Mastering] etc.
I am a mixing engineer and music producer with 10 years here to bring your creative vision to life.
My name is Phil McHugh, I'm a composer and music producer from West London UK.
Are you starting out and looking for someone to master your track? Book in a session, lesson or ask me a question.
Recent Successes
"Lonny won't stop until you are 150% satisfied with what he sends you! Highly recommend him! "
"Michaela took time to absorb the lyrics and melody and communicate them together in a beautiful form. She's thoughtful and soulful and did a great job. I highly recommend her. Thanks Michaela!"
"He helped me with a personal project and did an amazing job!"
"She is a great pianist who understands expectations perfectly. She did a great job for me and I hope to have the opportunity to still be able to work with her. I absolutely recommend her! If you need the right pianist..."
"I do wish I could come up with as many creative ways to positively review Yoed as he has come up with creative ways to create strings for each of these piano songs in my current project - perhaps I will be able to! A..."
"Very nice voice, love her delivery, helped with the lyrics as well, good interpretation of my music, highly recommended!"
"Sam has completely and utterly shocked me with his brilliance yet again. I can't be happier with his mix and master! His communication and speed has "professional" written all over it, and his sound has "Musician" wri..."