Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with JUANO SIEMBRA
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My name is Oleg I Mixing Engineer, compose electronic music, Pop-Rock and classical.
Very Experienced Keyboard/Piano player worked with Ray Charles, Lionel Ritchie, Lulu, Boy George, Joe Cocker & many more !
DJ, audio engineer, producer, sound designer and a professor of music production and live performance.
With 20+ years of audio recording, mixing, & mastering experience in addition to 9+ years of high-end audio equipment design at a major audio manufacturer, I know what it takes to create high-quality audio content. Whether it's mixing, mastering, restoration, editing, comping, or any other audio need, I can help make your project sound awesome!
I am a bass and rhythm guitar player, I started audio engineering on film in the 90's and have been recording producing underground NYC Punk and Rock bands like Jiggers is King, Blueberry High Heels as well as local singer songwriters. I am smalltime with a big sound.
Boston-based rapper frequently veers away the Rap genre's increasingly tired tendencies, making the listening experience feel entirely new and unpredictable. It is also impressive to note that Josh LeBlanc effectively juggles the roles of Rapper, Songwriter, Live Performer, Sound Engineer — as well as Producer.
Estrovertido focado e totalmente determinado
Uni grad in music, toured around the world with roisin and been a teacher at a number of schools to popular artists you know
Recent Successes
"Working with Lauren Conklin is wonderfully simple and professional."
"Elisabeth, was a pleasure to work with. Very calm~ and I never had to contend with an EGO...She was Pro all the way and a very interesting person and she sincerely listened when I expressed my thoughts. A gracious tal..."
"I'm very happy I chose Alex for my project. He's both an excellent singer and excellent professional."
"Guy is a sick engineer. He was so helpful in giving advice on how to make my track sound better and really made the song radio quality! He was so responsive and easy to work with. Will definitely be working together w..."
"There's a reason that Paul (PJ) seems to be the most popular mixing engineer for House music on SoundBetter. This is my second time working with him and I will continue too with each new track. He really brings them t..."
"Did an awesome job for my first release on spotify! amazing looking canvas. super prompt and responsive to every request I had"
"Andres is a true pro in every sense of the word. Is a pleasure to communicate with and provides high quality results. Would not hesitate to work with him again in the future!"
"Another amazing project done with Leo.. He is an incredible piano player and always provides on time and to my needs :)"
"I'm obsessed with this latest production from Killian! He makes every track sound like a hit with its own completely unique vibe.. easily the most talented producer I've ever worked with. Total legend! "
"Julaiah was professional, kind and fast. She had some really good and creative ideas to send me and it helped out my project immensely. So glad I chose to work with her. "