Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Wheel
I've been working as a professional mixing engineer for roughly 10 years. I've worked with acts such as Apocalyptica, Wheel and Santa Cruz. I take on every new project with passion and ambition, respecting the artist's vision, and aim to make it my best so far.
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Writing, Recording, Mixing, Mastering, & Producing are all in my wheelhouse after years of Practice, Study, and soaking up knowledge from being around more seasoned professionals along the way. Let's make some music together.
Passionate music producer...
Not another robotic singer-- emotional range is my wheelhouse. I specialize in soft pop and folk, but have studied genres ranging from country to R&B. My vocal tones range from rich and sultry, to light and clear-- I love to play around with different tones and styles to fit the song/lyric. References are always welcome.
Worked with Stephen Spielberg, Jeanine Tesori, Norm Lewis and more.
Highly experienced versatile songwriting duo! Masterful musical storytellers/topline artists/vocal arrangers specializing in helping realize your musical vision!
I'm a pro saxophonist/woodwinds player comfortable in a variety of styles, from classical to jazz to pop. I will remotely record your pre-written parts, or I can improvise/write something, too! Editing (music and dialogue), lite mixing also in my wheelhouse. Most recent credit: woodwinds for Jimmy Buffett's Escape to Margaritaville tour.
Singer/Songwriter/Producer/Mixing Engineer with 20+ years experience. My Wheelhouse is Rock/Pop/Country but I have experience mixing/mastering in all genres.
Hello! I am a music producer and audio engineer in the Washington DC area, specializing mostly in indie rock and other modern rock styles.
Recent Successes
"Britney is a truly exceptional vocalist to work with!! Not only did she focus on every possible detail with getting the performance just the way I wanted it, but she did all of it in such an amazingly fast time. With ..."
"My bro is Litty lit .. We made a fire song 🤘🏽💥"
"Stevan worked on the vocals of one of my songs, and I DEFINITLY plan on sending my vocals to him from now on (I actually sent him some more right after I heard the first ones). They sound amazing - like the stuff I he..."
"Rudi was very professional and addressed my request. I was impressed with the quality of the mix. I almost fell off of my chair when I heard the master; Huge sound, well balanced, saturated in just the right way, ..."
"I highly recommend Victor to you, anytime. My experience has been beyond expectation, Victor can understand and can make sure the job is done. I can’t wait for us to work on more projects. "
"Zero shame in saying MY PRODUCERS were spot on :) They both unanimously picked Drew’s soundbetter vox demo as the best foot forward for my newest pop song. Man we’re they right. Choking on feelings over here. Drew abs..."
"Jeff is absolutley amazing! Completely brought my song to life :) "
"Before handing a score to an orchestra, we need to be absolutely sure that every thing is perfect. Marcos will deliver the orchestration and final score that leaves no doubts to any players or conductor. "
"Dup is a great drummer!"