Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with WEN
Hi! My name is Facu, I'm a Musician, Music Producer and Mixer from Buenos Aires, Argentina I've been working in my studio with local and foreign artists the past 3 years and recently discovered SoundBetter so I am making my services available here as well.
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World class, producer,artist, song writter, engineer lets get started on your project
UK top 40 artist. Currently offering 50 percent off. I can professionally mix the first 5 clients for £100 a track to build up some reviews. The last album I mixed was for Dreadzone which made it into the top 40. Year Album/Artist/Credit 2017 Dread Times Dreadzone James Bainbridge - Mixing, Programming, Sampling, Additional Production
Working with state-of-the-art hardware and software, Audiological Studios offers professional, radio-ready mixes at affordable prices.
Been doing live sound for over 8 years, and went to school in Hollywood for mix and mastering engineering. I also play bass, and can track remotely and send you ideas for your tracks!
Mixing, mastering, production, performance - The Wonder Years, Aaron West, Hopeless Records, The Early November, Epitaph, Fat Wreck Chords, The Dangerous Summer, NPR's Tiny Desk Concert, Dylan Owen, CJ Ramone of The Ramones, Sophie Simmons, Foxing, Yasi, CRAY, Scotty Sire, Todd Smith, Lydia Kaseta, Fearless, Rise Records
"And that is what is so great about Ena Fay’s vocals, they span genres and generations, feel fresh yet seem familiar and they dance atop songs loaded with both grace and groove. There is probably a word to sum up such sound, ah yes…timeless." - Dave Franklin, Dancing About Architecture music blog
I make music videos for musicians and artists, in the arts and fashion. I create videos and short films for various platforms/fields such as music videos, fashion brand videos, social media video contents etc.
Former Disney recording artist. American Idol top 40 finalist. Gold record. Creator and star of the World’s best Amy Winehouse theater show.
Recent Successes
"Super responsive & professional. Was a pleasure to work with! Very happy with the results on making my drum n bass track more punchy and full!"
"Caleb was a true delight to work with - very communicative guy, highly specific when pointing out the changes he had made (and happily held my hand at a few points when my ear failed me haha), and the turnaround times..."
"Bram is really patient and diligent. I asked him to edit my track multiple times and he followed through every time with a great attitude until I was completely satisfied. His work is phenomenal and I highly recommend..."
"I must say protect Mr Mig at all cost, this man has me out here sounding like Luther, his mixing is amazing and I will definitely be doing future business with Mr Mig. Thank you again and I’ll see you on the charts🙏"
"Love Andres work. He always knows how to take a great mix and get it ready to go with that final polish. Clarity, volume, warmth - he’s the best. "
"You know how most people take ages to reply and don't really listen to your creative ideas? Alex is the opposite! He's stellar at getting back to you, even if you just to tell you if something will take an extra day. ..."
"Darren was amazing!! Excellent turnaround time and he exceeded my expectations! Looking forward to working with Darren on future projects!"