Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Wells Cathedral School
Unique and eclectic production to make your work stand out. As a performer studying at Guildhall School of Music and Cambridge University I have years of experience in getting the most out of every sound.
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I have been a professional recording/ mixing engineer in New York, Atlanta and Los Angeles for the last 20 years. A 2 time Grammy winner. I’ve been fortunate enough to work with the most talented Musicians/ Artists in the world, with a typical days in the office including Katy Perry, Beyonce, Rihanna, Usher, Michael Jackson, Celine Dion, All 4 One
First of all let's have fun while I put the grooves on. so come down to hang out lay your music down and have fun you
Los Angeles-based musician specializing in Cinematic, Pop, and Electronic music. 8+ years experience, 100+ releases, 40m+ streams
HI my name is ADEDAYO A. I'm a full-time musician and producer originally from Nigeria..My most memorable experience was playing the mama events in PARIS..My #1 priority is to help you achieve your vision.I've been fortunate to have logged over 1,000 shows, 9 countries, and 30+ artists in my career.
I may be young but I am a powerhouse. My unique songwriting style can help you bring together ideas and create amazing and ear-pleasing lyrics. Trained by the best, I can add flavor and meaning to your tracks. My emotive voice can make listeners connect with your music and make them feel a part of your story.
Independent and driven audio engineer/producer from central New Jersey. Looking to take on as much work as possible to further improve my skills.
I'm a lyricist and I write with emotion. Any situation whether you're sad, mad, or feeling lit, I can write the song for you.
I am a very open minded and creative engineer. I will do whatever u ask and more. I will do whatever ur song needs, and spent as long time on the project until u are satisfied. Choose me for a passionate, creative and hungry, young artist. It will definitely be your money worth!
Recent Successes
"Wow, Sunnie is great. Beautiful voice, beautiful soul. She over delivered for me, giving me LOTS of alternative takes...a ton of great raw material. A real pleasure. Very highly recommended."
"Excellent to work with. Extremely professional and has a very a strong ear for music. What i like about Nino is that he will do revisions until he reaches your standards. Just be specific on what you want and hell get..."
"Clive is the man! He’s mixed my whole album that’s blends with all the big hits. You can check it out on his page. I just hired him for live mixes and I couldn’t ask for better!! A guy can have all the years of exp..."
"Very professional and amazing person I recommmend Matt to anyone that wants a high quality crafted mix The communication was on point even though we both come from different countries and environnement "
"I want to express my gratitude to Austin Leeds! An absolute professional and a person who with patience and dedication makes a dream a reality! 🙏🙏🙏"
"Another brilliant master from the maestro himself. I've said it like a million times but I'll say it again: Andres is the MAN when it comes to bringing your music to life."
"Another amazing mix & master by Matt, this time on an acoustic instrumental. As usual, he took the song to another level that I didn't think existed. Looking forward to working together again."
"The KING of RAP!"