Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Vratsa Symphony Ocherstra
Egyptian cellist infusing classical elegance with rich oriental flavors and improvisational spirit—let's craft mesmerizing melodies that tell a story!"
I have three performance degrees and a highly diverse career as a chamber musician and soloist. I perform not only classical repertoire but electronic, pop, non-Western, experimental, contemporary, and early music. I often collaborate with living composers enjoys interdisciplinary, cross-cultural projects.
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Hi, my name is Paul and I have been playing Bass Guitar professionally for 27 years and I'm a native Brooklynite. I'm a versatile, easy going player that loves the music creating process and handles each client with priority and professionalism while still having fun. Ego is not in my vocabulary....I'm about the music!
With over twenty years of experience, gold record recipient Mike McKyes can mix and master your recordings with some of the best analog and digital equipment available today.
We're a studio specialized in electronic music always pursuing the best sound and the fresh ideas. We've made track signed by label like: Spinnin rec, Ultra Music, Sony, Big & Dirty, D:Vision etc, Glasgow Underground
Aiming to create an atmosphere both authentic and genuine. Touching the very souls of the audience. Transforming each individual's reality and using emotion strong enough to transport us back into a cherished memory or even forward into a glance of hope. Pop/Soul/R&B, Musical Theatre, Rock&Roll, New Age, Alternative, Acoustic, Folk, and Country.
Let me help you bring your song to life! I can offer Songwriting, Production, Vocal Recording, and Mix services for your project.
Featured on Sony, bitbird, Seeking Blue, Lowly Palace, and more. Professional in pop and electronic production. Mixing/Mastering Engineer and Music Producer
I am a front man of a World Music group called Hotel Balkan, also known as Balkan Tango Vibes. I'm classically trained and able to perform a broad variety of styles. My NYC experience brought me closer to Tango, Balkan Gypsy Punk, and chamber music. I own a home studio with all the possibilities we'll need to come up with a high quality product.
9 years of experience in Live & Post Production for Audio.
Recent Successes
"I've worked with Megan on a lot. The product has always been great and Megan is a true professional, a true artist & fun to work with. Thanks Maygen. "
"Very impress !!! His singing is the best in the market and here in soundbetter he beats the competition ...way! He doesn't have any....😼"
"Working with Killian has been fantastic. Having someone who can switch styles with ease makes the process that much more enjoyable. Coming to Killian with such a personal song was a smart idea because he put in so muc..."
"My first time using soundbetter and Valentyne is amazing. I honestly feel I stressed him out but he still was happy to help regardless of what I asked of him for my song. He was so comfortable to work with and I love ..."
"amazing guitar player!! can play all styles!!"
"Great taste, great tone, turned it around in one day. 💯"
"Always 5 Star quality work. "
"Austin Is very awesome at what he does. I sent him the instrumental and vocal stems for the song and He mixed and mastered them perfectly. Midway through, I noticed I sent the wrong vocals and he still put in the work..."
"Yet another hit that Wes helped me create. A very high recommendation from me and great turn around times. "
"Absolutely thrilled with my experience working with Tim! He was incredibly responsive, and truly grasped my vision. I will definitely be choosing Tim again without a doubt!"