Mohamed Ahmed


Mohamed Ahmed on SoundBetter

Egyptian cellist infusing classical elegance with rich oriental flavors and improvisational spirit—let's craft mesmerizing melodies that tell a story!"

I’m Mohamed Ahmed, an Egyptian cellist and the cello soloist of the Vratsa Symphony Orchestra in Bulgaria. With a rich background in classical music, I’ve performed extensively as a soloist, in chamber ensembles, and with orchestras across Egypt and worldwide. My diverse experience includes collaborations on various projects, from classical to contemporary, including pop, oriental, and cultural music. I've had the pleasure of working with talented musicians from Egypt, France, Germany, Bulgaria, Italy, Tunisia, Lebanon, Oman, and the Emirates.
Let’s create something beautiful together!"

Tell me about your project and how I can help, through the 'Contact' button above.

Interview with Mohamed Ahmed

  1. Q: Describe the most common type of work you do for your clients.

  2. A: As a cellist, I draw inspiration from classical, soundtrack, Oriental, and folk music. I am skilled in recording cello sessions using sheet music or by ear, and I excel in improvising solos as well as creating harmonious cello lines.

Almost Broken by Khaled Al Kammar

I was the Cello soloist in this production

  • CelloAverage price - $50 per song
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