Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with voiceover for various studios/companies
Tell someone you love them with a custom song that celebrates them or for a special occasion like an engagement or anniversary. I have been a professional musician for 13 years and wrote a song to ask my wife out on our first date. I’ve written hundreds of songs spanning many genres such as pop, acoustic, electronic, ballads and many Christmas song
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I take your work and mix it with my art to deliver you with outstanding satisfaction with your project.
Hi, my name is Skyler "Sky" Harris. I'm a vocal producer, singer-songwriter and session vocalist from Memphis, TN. I have experience singing all genres of music including Pop, R&B/Soul, Hip Hop, and Gospel.
I have been making music going on 10 years. I taught myself everything that I know. I can mix, edit, Master & produce any project you need to be professional quality.
With more than 20 years of experience in the music industry, and being a musician/singer for more than 25 years in the Mexican Regional music area, I have the experience and creativeness to help bring your creative ideas to life. I can help produce from a song to a full album, mix and master.
Extremely versatile and experienced multi-instrumentalist, composer, and arranger in Vancouver, Canada. Professional, personable, reliable, creative, and dedicated to helping your music sound fantastic. I make it easy, fun, and affordable to add exciting horn tracks to any project.
My Music Mouth team have worked in the music industry for 30+ years collectively. Our experiences range from writing, producing, arranging, composing to managing artists and more. We offer custom songwriting for artists and FREE promotion via our social media platforms!
Affordable Professional Audio Mixer
Recent Successes
"Jason is professional, talented, and easy to communicate with. Bass and drums parts sound great. I recommend."
"Very Satisfied. He kept me in the loop at all stages of the song and was open and willing to make any revisions. Would definitely recommend Ghaly for any projects. "
"Emma has done a very thorough job of tuning and improving my vocals through editing, also takes the time to properly communicate the changes made. I recommend her highly!"
"Domantas Balciunas worked hard and speedy on my mix, giving me three versions, that I liked more and more, according to my observations. He created for me a solid bass&drum section, great vocals and guitar, giving to ..."
"These guys do great work. They can generate ideas or make your ideas better."
"I am so blown away by the results I received from my man MARKISS!!! He helped me with mixing and mastering a few tracks for me and I couldn’t believe how amazing and professional they sounded. He is a top tier produce..."
"By far best mix and master I've come across. Very good communication , fast, efficient and very affordable Prices. I would Highly recommend Austin Leeds to any EDM artist looking to get tracks mixed and mastered . He ..."
"David delivers as always, unique and quality vocals :) pleasure as always to work with him! "
"Top dog in the bass business- always elevates the music to the next level, glad to have the opportunity to work with Mark! "
"There’s no reason to not get your mastering services w/ Andres. Bite the bullet if you need to, let the track simmer in different speakers, allow your ears to be open & compare the old track with the new. The advice g..."