Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Christmas compilation project with others around the country.
Tell someone you love them with a custom song that celebrates them or for a special occasion like an engagement or anniversary. I have been a professional musician for 13 years and wrote a song to ask my wife out on our first date. I’ve written hundreds of songs spanning many genres such as pop, acoustic, electronic, ballads and many Christmas song
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I Will Record A Professional Quality Acoustic Drum Multitrack For Your Project
Over the past 18 years of playing guitar, I've shaped my sound and style to be as original as possible, which I find is best done through improvisation. By using improvisation to create guitar parts, I feel through the music to find what would sound best according to what you are looking for.
A unique and versatile producer, multi instrumentalist and creative mix engineer. Can also do backing vocals/screaming and write songs.
Brooklyn based affordable professional mix engineer. Quality product at a reasonable cost.
Quality and experienced Production, Mixing, Mastering, Vocal Editing & Production!
Songwriter, singer, and beginner music producer for artists and songs of different genres such as Indie, EDM, and others.
I want your idea and production to turn into a great song!
Hello! My name is Caio, I'm a versatile music producer and specialized in melodic house & techno, afro house and progressive house. I have 8 years of experience working with music production, and I love to create songs that bring emotion and vibe to the audience. My specialty is melodic house & techno, afro house and progressive house.
Recent Successes
"Chris Adams is the GOAT! He is the Greatest Of All Time! When you experience Chris Adams's incredible work you think of Muhammad Ali , Michael Jackson , and Michael Jordan !!! I've had the great honor of working with ..."
"Rusian played a brilliant piano track for me. He was a pleasure to work with and the communication was stellar. I'll Be Back!"
"Leonie is a dream to collaborate with - she's a talented and thoughtful writer, and she has a fantastic voice. Above all, she's extremely professional and friendly to work with. I highly recommend her, and I look forw..."
"Mar was AWESOME, plain and simple! I needed him to knock out a vocal reference track during the holidays and he did it quickly with no problem and it sounds excellent. I’ll definitely be hiring him again!"
"He is so great at mixing! Always efficient to do business with"
"I loved working with Mahoma. Extremely professional, musical and committed. They made my recording reach the next level. Great sound and great taste. I highly recomend. Can’t wait to work with them again."
"Rory is a 5* writer and vocalist. Really easy to work with and very high quality work. I'll definitely work with him again. "
"Bryan is very professional and quick! I've been working with him for 2 years now and have always been amazed with his mixes and masters. Quick turn around and very responsive. I would highly recommend!"
"Tony is not only a drummer , he plays into songs deeply and bring you the soul of every details . Wonderful experience with Tony as usual !"