Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with christian albums
Tell someone you love them with a custom song that celebrates them or for a special occasion like an engagement or anniversary. I have been a professional musician for 13 years and wrote a song to ask my wife out on our first date. I’ve written hundreds of songs spanning many genres such as pop, acoustic, electronic, ballads and many Christmas song
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From charted songs, to Coke commercials, I write/produce artful music that gets placed without selling out. Whether you need help finding your sound, message, or writing a song that is profitable without selling out, I'm here to help. I am also a classical guitarist when I'm not making pop, if you need some nylon string on your track lmk.
With 20 years of professional vocal and music experience, I can take your vocal track from rough too polished. I can truly make it sound pro studio quality.
Music Producer
I got trust issues, but one thing I trust so much in life is my ears.
We provide professional music services, like beats, recording, mixing & mastering. We have worked with Myto_ZA/CHMPGN_VV$, and a few up and coming artists, Our sound is different, strong and very appealing. We spent 2 years in a remote area, working on bettering our craft, we were able to produce "Opium Cartel EP" and also build our company brand.
Come mix with me!
Recent Successes
"Calvin is an excellent professional vocalist, with unique preforming skills and tone. He responds very fast and he can add that extra magic touch to the track that makes a good song a hit."
"Never been happier to spend $150 in my life. I got in touch with Ziv on Friday afternoon and by Sunday evening he had nailed the guitar parts to the first song. No wonder he's the SoundBetter electric guitar king! L..."
"By listening to the promos for her gigs, I expected a better result. I've seen the rest of the positive feedbacks aren't written by her clients, but they do come from people that she bought instrumentals from. Unlucki..."
"This was my second song with Jonas and his playing was amazing! He took a basic idea and built an entire drum track around it that made it better than we could have imagined. His playing is creative and sounds like ..."