Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Virtuous
We are here to offer our talents to help independent artists fulfill their vision! Let us help you get your music finished up and release ready at a professional quality.
Elevation church, Virtuous, The Maggie Valley Band. I've worked with local names around the area and I am looking to get studio work. I provide a strong, top-notch sound that makes you recording unique and clean sounding.
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Experienced drummer both live and in recording studio. Musicality, Time bit and groove.
We are artists and audio professionals united to provide you the best music creation and high quality audio services solutions - Custom MIDI Partitures / STEMS Instruments and Arrangement Creation, Beatmaking, Instruments Recordings, Mixing, Mastering and Publishing in many styles, as classical, eletronic, from Hip-Hop to Dance/Pop Music.
Need an engineer/sound system for your event... i am the man for your job. i am a Sound Engineer employed at Rent-A-Amp Sound Company Trinidad and Tobago (16 years) . CONTACT 1868-6899315 . raforde@rentaamp.com
I am a Film Composer/String Arranger/Mix Engineer from Seoul. Composer of CF Music Starred by Korean Top 6 Famous Female Actresses Worked with corporate such as SK Group, Hyundai Mobis, Park Roche, Yuhan Kimberly, KGC, HDC, Lotte Alminium, Lotte E&M, SeAH CSS, ADT CAPS, KBS, SBS, etc.
lets create
Better guidance, better performance.
Audio Production Student at Full Sail University, focus on mixing and mastering.
Elevation church, Virtuous, The Maggie Valley Band. I've worked with local names around the area and I am looking to get studio work. I provide a strong, top-notch sound that makes you recording unique and clean sounding.
Recent Successes
"I had a really great experience with Austin. He was patient and dedicated to my mixing/mastering project. The revisions he did were always up to the next level, him almost always guessing perfectly what I wanted. I am..."
"Great! "
"10/10 as always for Jazelle, would highly recommend !"
"It was my second gig with Joe, and I couldn't be more satisfied. This time I asked him to write full topline to my song and he did a fantastic job. He wrote great lyrics too. I asked a few changes after listening to h..."
"I've worked on songs with John for years and he always delivers--I seek him out when I need something really creative and different, but true to the song. Highly recommend him!"
"Fast, Easy, Efficient! Riccardo this all of these and more, but most important he is such a great person, glad to consider him a friend. I'm never disappointed i am now and forever a loyal customer and musical partner..."
"So patient and professional on my mix. Highly recommended!"