Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Conexión Música
Audio Production Student at Full Sail University, focus on mixing and mastering.
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I really enjoy mixing and making music, also collaborating with other artists. Been doing it for a while now and soundbetter have been an excellent tool to achieve it.
Writing credits: A Great Big World, Tyler Perry, Glee, Macy Gray Arranging Credits: Allen Stone, NBC's The Sing Off, Macy Gray Tours: Roberta Flack, Dr John, Joss Stone, The Brand New Heavies, Laura Izibor
Joan is a sound engineer focused on music and sound, working out in his studio in Girona.
Forward Studios have always been focused on finding highest standards in terms of professional audio and technologies and thanks to its record label Forward Music Italy, you find also creative support. We have the opportunity to work with the best artists and musicians in the national and international music business.
LA-based singer/songwriter Marija have been performing since I was seven. Considering the 7 countries I lived in, I have a lot of experience in performing for diverse nationalities and cultures. I is passionate about writing and focusing in R&B and Pop, but am not scared to write songs in any genre and expand my knowledge.
Do you want the most natural yet the more powerful sound? Look no further!
Earworm generator in human form
Recent Successes
"Great experience working with Blake. Clean sounding vocals and good communication. I recommend!"
"Art really knows what he’s doing and did exactly what I wanted! Not only that but he’s a really nice guy, very helpful and easy to work with. Thanks Art!"
"Very professional, a SUPER SUPER talented producer. Can't wait to work together again! I totally VERY recommend working with him. Cheer!"
"Raena is a master of musical creation, another great song!!!"
"Man! these guys were fast and particular which I love as a producer myself; they knew exactly what to do. I hate reviews like this because pros like me and The Crushboys don't need reviews, no ego just like Drake, Dj ..."
"Expert expert expert producer/musician. Top notch work every time."
"Every beat maker, myself included, has their 911 - Bogo has become that for me. Once again, he makes the idea a realization - what I think he actualizes - perfectly. Beautiful work. Thank you!"
"back to back dope mixes. welcome back fam"
"Linda is very attentive, efficient, and generous with advice. She is clearly very experienced and knowledgable and has worked hard to understand my vision of how I want to sound. I'll definitely get in touch with her ..."