Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Victor del hierro
Mixing, mastering and recording engineer for 10+ years, I know the requierements for mood creativeness and how to apply the right process and mindset to that. I'm just new to the platform but I will link my work down bellow!
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Play drums and do audio engineering in a band called Twenty One Two. Decided to start help others with audio engineering services after 10 years doing it for myself only.
Experienced producer songwriter looking to record, collab, produce, remix.
Music Producer, Beat Maker, Sound Engineer, Sound Designer, Musician
I am an audio engineer with an ear for detail and a long-time passion for sound. I can help give your tracks a professional finish through meticulous editing and pitch tuning, along with a trained ear to mix your recordings into a cohesive sound that can define you.
Seasoned player, Pedal Steel, Non-Pedal Steel, and Electric Guitar. Uniquely qualified with a diverse musical background, able to cover many styles.
Hello! my name is Lusil.
I am a classically trained musician and composer, and focus on writing and recording songs. Whatever the genre, if the song has instruments and vocals, I can write and record any part for it.
Recent Successes
"When I send a song to Rob I know I´ll be getting back the best that it can be... and I always breathe a sigh of relief once it's in his hands. Super helpful, super friendly and super knowledgeable. Thanks again, Rob!!"
"Amazing work as always! I'm always really happy with Andres' work. Recommend everyone to work with him!"
"so damn easy to work with this dude I am a repeat customer going to be back - why? because ZERO ego and the song is the HERO"
"Absolute Top Pro ... Super Talented & A joy to work with :-)"
"As somebody who has never worked with a music producer before, I was a little bit nervous to get started but Martin made me feel reassured throughout the entire process. He delivered the tracks in a timely manner and ..."
"This is my first project with Reed, and I feel very lucky to have found him to work on my piano piece. He worked incredibly fast and is both highly professional and a true gentleman. He got it right from the very firs..."