Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Vernee
My name is Jesús Quiñones, a mastering engineer. I'm the founder and engineer at Zeven Sound. Like you, I pursue my passion in the music industry, and I always take pride in sharing my latest projects. My commitment is to support labels and producers worldwide in refining and achieving the highest possible sound quality.
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Home of the creatives and independent artists.
Hi there, I'm Rose and I'm a singer/songwriter based out of Nashville, TN! I specialize in making songs my own, and have the ability to sing cross genres of music- from pop, soul, r&b to country. I've been singing professionally for 8+ years and have had extensive classical vocal training from the time I was 12 years old.
i can’t touch low notes and i can go up to A2
Lead vocalist in rock and pop bands for 4 decades, including Ottawa band Hungover Mary, and tribute bands for Zeppelin, Journey, Rush, and Deep Purple. Played lead and principal roles in musicals, such as RENT, Jesus Christ Superstar, Anne of Green Gables, Grease, Company, My Fair Lady). Big range, great versatility, powerful vocals.
If it's not perfect it ain't worth it.
I'm an experienced Mix Engineer Guitarist and Bassist. If you're looking to add clarity and polish to your mix, a second set of ears, or even additional instruments I am here to help you!
Need a song mixed? I got you! 2 years of experience and love working with and supporting new up and coming artists.
I'm a young experienced sound designer, Music producer, Filmmaker, Graphic designer, and sound engineer from South Africa. Whether you're looking for music composition, Audio mixing & mastering to enhance the sound quality for your future or current projects do not hesitate to contact me I will do the justice for you.
Recent Successes
"Emma's contribution to my project was invaluable. For my jazz-flavored Beatles cover tune, she did a marvelous job with vocal tuning and time alignment. She helped create a simply beautiful 3-part harmony section in t..."
"Was an absolute pleasure working with Joy. Right from the get go he wanted to get stuck into the project, friendly and professional. Incredible voice and amazing song writing made my beat come alive. The turn around t..."
"Phenomenally talented player. Amazing ear for a song. Immensely grateful for your musical insights and approach, Chuck, thanks for helping bring these songs to life!"
"An excellent musician and person! Everything was done the first time and without error. I will contact you again!)"
"Jeff did a fantastic job on my track. I’m extremely happy with the out come, he was a pleasure to work with. Quick turnaround also. "
"RODY is amazing 🤩. Such a powerful and talented vocalist. She took such care and time with our song. I can’t wait to work on another track with her, and I can’t recommend her enough. RODY is Dope…"
"Mike is the mix-master wizard… worked with him on several songs, and trust me, he's the real deal. His mixing skills are on another level best in the industry, and he's got that golden touch that turns tracks into cha..."
"Amazing delivery. This is my second time working with Sterling, and both times his drums have brought a new excitement to me about the songs. The parts are written and performed expertly and are recorded to such a gre..."