Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Robby Adams
Vocal Engineer/Producer with over 13 years of work experience. Specialist in vocal and sound mixing
QUALITY and EXPERIENCED Production, Mixing, Mastering, Vocal Editing and Production. I have worked over 4 years in this field and garnered 100,000+ streams across all platforms at the age of 20. I truly believe I can add significant value to your project for a very affordable price; have a listen to my work and make your decision based on that!
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Creating professional and creative content aiming to make people feel the music they love through producing/mixing/mastering.
Producer, songwriter, mixer.
DnB Producer with a heart for Synths. Most going for Liquid, but also love the Neurofunk
Want a #1 type record? I have over a decade of experience in songwriting & recording. Currently working with grammy award winning and billboard charting producers, I write one of a kind hooks and full songs from stadium/billboard records to lo-fi vibes. I and very versatile and will work with you and you're specific needs.
Composer, songwriter
I've toured and recorded with accomplished artists such as AMERICA (70's classic rock), REEL BIG FISH (ska/punk), MAROON 5 (pop), KRIS ALLEN (american idol), and PHANTOM PLANET (indie rock). My studio potofgoldrecording.com has three rooms that can achieve any pro drum sound you're looking for. In-person and remote recording sessions are available.
Male Vocalist, Guitarist, Songwriter and producer excited to bring a new dynamic to your projects! Willing to work with you on all aspects of your audio goals!
Recent Successes
"this guy knows what he's doing, he gets what you're looking for and he's fast at it. it was a pleasure working with him."
"Merty is my "ace in the hole." When I need a song done i call on this super gifted guy. I had worked with some other writers on here, but Merty just blows me away. - the details, and the amount of passion he puts int..."
"Love Klaas work! he has a lot of patient Listens to everything i was needed and make it amazing! And one of the important things about klaas , Works fast and efficiently! i sure im going to work with him again! Th..."
"Amazing as always. She’s an incredibly talented engineer"
"Great mastering engineer! Puts it in the pocket! A+"
"Dan is wonderful to work with. Prompt and knowledgeable and very reasonable and honest! Low end on my track sounds tight; he did some clever things to improve my mix (because it needed a little help) "
"Great work with Pol, as always. Genius pianist, highly recommend "
"Again, amazing to work with. He’s professional and skilled but also very much a people person which I appreciate. Looking forward to working with him on future projects ✨🙏🏾"
"Can't say enough good things about Brent's brilliant taste to crate guitar parts, which not only unique but also fits perfectly with every songs that I work with him. He's the best! "