Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with unders_core
professional music producer and sound engineer
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Hi! I am a young and talented recording engineer out of CT looking to break into the music scene in the Bay Area. I have a BA in music and sound recording from the University of New Haven and a lot of experience recording in the studio and live work. I can quickly tackle anything thrown my way, so I would love to hear from you!
I'm a drummer local to the London area, and have been providing the 2&4 for a range of bands, artists, and shows over the past few years.,,I've spent time on tours, in the studio, and traveling the world on cruise ships. I love making music and entertaining people through it, no matter what the style may be.,Comfortable with a click, sight reading, jams, songwriting etc...,,Just looking to keep it funky and have a good time.
Hi, I'm Louis and I am a professional songwriter, producer and mix engineer. I'm a self confessed music obsessive and frankly a music nerd. I work across various genres but specialise in bands and alt pop in its broadest sense! Im a sucker for melody and harmony, driven by a groovy rhythm.
I make art
Mixing in stereo, 5.1 and Dolby Atmos Music & feature films
i am composer of film and song and arranging and create all of styles
Passionate music producer & mixing/mastering engineer, dedicated to making your music shine. With 6+ years' experience and a heart for creativity, let's collaborate and turn your vision into sonic magic!
Recent Successes
"Matt is THE MAN. He works lightning fast and communicates very quickly and effectively. I swear he can read my mind: he understood my mix notes and delivered EXACTLY what I wanted with each mix revision. My mi..."
"He has a good sense of how your vocals should turn out despite the genre. I was a bit skeptical about the price at first but at the end it was worth it."
"So great to work with, simply the best! "
"The Faster guy in Soundbetter, very cool to work with him in a few hours i recorded everything I wanted"
"Arron is a really good provider! He’s really responsive which is great super fast to answer any questions you might have. I hired him to comp and tune vocals and he delivered the results back to us within 24hrs highly..."
"amazing job, highly recommended!"
"I picked Trey to do a "Soundcheck" on a song in its final stages and Trey provided an honest and thorough review and made several suggestions for instrumental additions to an already solid song. I accepted his suggest..."