Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tyke James
I can help you to produce fully developed, unique versions of your songs that are of the highest quality for the best commercial releases. I work with Artists to get the best recorded performances and then develop or help you find your unique sound through instrumental arrangements, orchestration, advanced mixing process and years of experience.
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Pilot House Sound is an audio mixing and mastering studio offering professional quality online audio services at affordable rates. I use the highest quality analog modeling software to give you mixes that have the warmth, richness and sonic detail that analog hardware is renowned for at a fraction of the cost.
I am a professional studio vocalist, live performance artist and audio engineer. I put my all into every single project and I deliver high quality vocals for every one of my clients.
Trophy World Onlineis one of the best and renowned manufacturers and dealers of various kinds of trophies across the world. Trophy World Onlineoffersvarious types of trophies for use in major events.These are provided in different types of alloys and metals like bronze, steel, silver and gold as well and these are provided by us in numerous shapes
F1ncha is a uk top 10 music producer and mix engineer. Having engineered at some of the top studios across London including metropolis, Dean st and the pool. F1ncha has spent time learning form the best and translating that into the work he does. He believes that every record deserves equal respect time and energy.
I'm the independent, creative minded cellist you're looking for to add some string magic to your track. Whether you're just looking to fill out your track with some string parts or you're looking for some creative input for a cello feature on a track, I've got you.
Music Producer with millions of streams in multiple genres. I've had songs go Top 3 on iTunes/Apple Music charts (still chasing that #1).
Multi-platinum selling songwriter, producer, and mixer of rock, pop, punk, folk, and all that’s in between. We can start at the basic song level and build out, take your existing track and beef it up with some incredible sounds, or mix whatever you got!
100 Million+ Streams on my artist project. Producing, mixing, and mastering - quick and cheap at a professional level.
Recent Successes
"Wonderful experience working with Scott such a talented and flexible guitarist. The turn around was lightning too!"
"Continue to be amazed on Austin skills, patience and professionalism. Will continue working with him."
"I trust Vic with my music, he gets my style and is also creative through the mixing process and that’s a hard thing to find. "
"Britney Jayyy is an amazing songwriter! I love her lyrics and her voice and it's what I'm looking for! I will definitely work with her again!"
"Mikey's drumming is world-class -composed, performed and delivered lightning fast!"
"Drea is talented in several ways. 1) She has an excellent voice. 2) She has several excellent voices when she's stacking vocals. 3) She analyzes music carefully and doesn't just drop parts on, but explains why she's a..."
"Holly instinctively understood the vision for this project and provided exactly what was needed based on the provided brief without having to clarify a single thing. She also added variations as additional options..."
"Dalton always delivers super creative mixes, smashes it out time and time again and just gets what I need out of a mix. Love your work!!!!"
"Phenomenal artist, drummer, mixer, master-er-er(?)...all the things. And an all around cool dude. From the very beginning Dan was eminently professional. He had a ton of references that demonstrated the quality of..."