Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Alexandra Carlos
I'm a versatile songwriter and topliner with a passion for creating memorable music across genres!
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iFix Media leverer tenester innan lyd- og videoproduksjon med lydproduksjon som hovudsatsingsområde. Me held til på Nesse i Bømlo kommune og har eit godt nettverk innanfor bransjen med gode samarbeidspartnarar. Vel du iFix Media til å gjere din produksjon har du gode føresetnadar til å få eit godt resultat.
Chris Goodwin. Owner of The Lab Studio. I specialize in recording, mixing and mastering. I exclusively work on hip hop and r&b & dancehall. I have 20 years of music experience. I started as a DJ. Moved to writing and producing. I have been mixing exclusively for the past 6 years. I work completely in the box. My specialty is hip hop.
Hey guys, My name's Temani I'm a singer,songwriter, producer, mixing and mastering engineer. I can't wait to help bring your musical vision to life!
We are a recording studio and mastering facility in Hamilton, Canada that values craftsmanship, innovation, and excellent sound.
I can offer you years of experience as composer writing music for film, TV series, independent documentaries and advertisement. I also work alongside songwriters as arranger and producer.
All about music and sound
I provide high-quality guitar production in the style of americana, folk, pop and country.
All I want is YOUR vision to come alive in YOUR music! I'm a multi-instrumentalist specializing in Pop, CCM, and Americana and I am ready to take your idea to the top of the charts!
Recent Successes
"Fantastic bass player. top notch, high quality, great groove...couldn't be any happier. Thank you Mark :)"
"Amazing Amazing producer...if you want someone who really takes the time to listen to you and your music and care about what you want for your song, Arthur is the best! He has a great ear and a real pulse on current ..."
"He had great ideas and a great ear for arranging and recording horns. He kept me in the loop about the recording process and the final sound was great! He gave me a lot to work with, and he was incredibly quick which ..."
"Taylor took the literal vision I had for the song into full articulated reality. nearly a year with my producer in the Bay Area, and many collaborators told me the type of beat and production would clash with this son..."
"Amazing!!! Second one I have done with Darren and to no surprise it turned out great again. Professionally done as always."
"Who is Luciano in the trenches when technical issues have the mixing process close to going off the rails? This stuff happens, but I was close to losing my mind trying to troubleshoot. Luciano was cool and calm, patie..."