Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Two Way Analog
Producing, recording and playing with Independent bands since the 90s.
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Mix & Master engineer.
Here and ready to do the work! Lets Create timeless music!!
I’m nobody but I’m pretty good at drums.
Let's take your music to the next level! I will bring out the best of your music as a mixing and master engineer .
I've surpassed 3M streams on Spotify, with releases on dozens of different labels (Including Sony Music and #1 DJ Hardwell's label, Gemstone). I have been featured on 3 Spotify editorial playlists (including Dance Covers and Creamy) for my songwriting and vocal work on melodic EDM tracks! Click that Contact button and let's get to work!
I'm going to mix blasting metal mix to support your awesome metal song! Feel free to contact me and ask any questions you have about my gear, experience, workflow or more. I'll see you around!
I'm a singer and a songwriter and since 2018 I worked for some amazing artists as a ghostwriter. I studied at the Musician Institute of Hollywood and I'm releasing my first EP in 2024.
Collaborative Producer. Need help finishing a chorus, arrangement, a beat etc? Im here to assist you in finding your the truest expression of those songs stuck in your head.
Recent Successes
"Gabriele is pleasure to work with. Very talented and patient with revisions. Great work."
"Richard Jasen is one of the best producer, singer, song writer and artist I have ever knew. I enquire with him about my 6 demos which I wanted to do a RnB, hip hop, and trap style with each song having its own element..."
"This guys really knows what he’s doing, by far one of the best, he stays true to what you want as artist but adds his creativity which is exceptional. I highly recommend Kevin 💯"
"Thank you Alan, great Harmonica and enjoyed mixing it in the song Olivier "
"Austin did an incredible job with my mix and master, it sounds AWESOME now! Super fast response time, fast revisions and great communication. Highly recommended and will use again!"
"Mixing with TJ made all the difference. My song sounds so full and lush. I've struggled to figure out how to get my vocals to sit in the mix properly. Not anymore! His vocal processing ability is incredible. Great com..."
"Nathalie vocals and writing were beautiful. Exactly what i needed for the instrumental i had. She was very collaborative as wel - wanted to know as much as possible about the track to understand the direction to go in..."
"He sings really well. He understands the composer's intentions and records songs. I'll work with him again next time. It was a really fun recording."
"Oscar was very receptive to my specific mixing requests and was super punctual with his delivery. Great communication, great guy, and awesome engineer work!"
"Nice person to talk to, professional, very creative, I recommend "