Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tony Castle
Currently touring FOH Mixer for Charles Wesley Godwin. 10+ years as a Studio Staff Engineer and Independent Producer in Nashville, TN. 8 of those years were spent at Blackbird Studio as a staff engineer.
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Self-taught multi-talented musician and producer who is at the fulcrum of an evolving pop, edm scene. I am a very different and uniquely wired musician who isn’t afraid to break the rules and push the boundaries of our perception with my deeply layered and well-crafted production. Hire me - If you search for the sparkle in your project.
Graduated from Utrecht School of the Arts with the Master degree in Audio Design in 2011. Linh Nguyen is currently working as a audio engineer in Vietnam National Academy of Music, Hanoi, Vietnam. He also does Live sound for TV shows and music events.
There's a password to board on my spacecraft.
Different is a word used too loosely. I create canvases of words, some familiar some enigma driven some lofty some new some outer worldly. I dream in color yet my b/w scale is exquisite divine rough and unrefined. Now after sounding like 70’s blackplotation super hero, pause 😂 I write to suit ur soul not just mine. This is ur vibe & I’m your muse.
Hip Hop Producer with 15+ years experience in mixing and mastering. Located in New Romney, England where I write, record, produce, mix and master for my own music as well as take on projects for other talented folk. I have produced entire albums from scratch but can also be hired to work on singles too. No job is too big or too small.
I’ve tracked, produced, and helped develop hundreds of independent artists from all over the United States. I can help you take your music and artistry to the next level.
I bring your idea to life and create inspiring music productions with personalized for every individual project. I compose and produce for diverse artists worldwide - Uniqueness is my goal.
Vision comes first - I like to work with artists who know what they want and are determined to bring their vision to the world without compromises. I've developed several underground artists in my local area and landed 2 of them deal offers from 2 different indie labels, so I know I can deliver quality results that leave a mark on the listener.
Recent Successes
"Arthur is a talented professional who works fast, is genuine and easy to work with. He's insightful and creative - I am extremely satisfied with the end product. "
"Great to work with you Chris"
"Mastered an album with Camilo and it was a pleasure! All good, fast and pro! Looking forward to the next one to do it again."
"We've worked with Michael several times now. He is a musical genius. Creative, innovative, masterful playing. The real deal! HIGHLY recommend. "
"Stephanie is an inspired singer. She contributed a beautiful arrangement of background vocals for my song. Here voice is soulful and expressive. I look forward to working with her again. "
"I needed legit vocals for a 90s style house track and Chesy nailed it the first time around. She gave me a song title, lead and background vocals and adlibs in record time. Insane skill level. Will hire again. Highly ..."
"Tamra is great and worked hard to get all my instructions for Backing vocals right . It's a classic soul voice in my opinion, great for disco . She was also speedy with the work . Classy !"
"Over a half dozen fab master recordings by Andres and they've kept getting better. He coached me through a genre change mixing attempt of which I had no experience and after a couple of revisions, brought my most rece..."