Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Toneaffair
Composer and Music Producer. Best in creating beautiful Pop Songs with memorizable hooks and a modern yet unique sound.
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Freelance sound engineer based in Cape Town, South Africa.
Sup to All, My name is Jay Bee...I am a producer, writer, and MC. I am here to build and exchange with a like-minded community of individuals. No matter what your connection to this industry is, from Djing to Engineering. I firmly affirm and believe we are all related which makes us an extended family!
Vocal Studio is an international hub for music, specialising in vocal coaching and artist development, located in Toronto, San Diego and Latvia. We empower vocalists to reach their artistic potential by developing their ability to sing, record, perform and promote. Our services include coaching, recording, songwriting & music video production.
Faliq is a Fusion Multi-Woodwind who plays Irish Uilleann Pipes, Whistles, Flute and Saxophone.
Composer, Music Producer, Arranger
Sound is the expression of the soul. Thanks to percussion we can give the right Groove to your songs, create the right sound for more emotional and engaging songs.
Custom Visual Art for Canvas and Live Projections.
Mix Mastering
Recent Successes
"Amazing work could not recommend enough!"
"He nailed it first try, which is amazing because I’m a tough customer when it comes to my music. He kept the integrity of the mixes intact, made them punch yet breath with dynamics. He’s the engineer I’ve been looki..."
"Hayes has an awesome voice and style, thanks so much man!"
"An absolute pleasure once again to work with Jason. He delivered more than we needed and we're thrilled with the outstanding drums tracks for our next kids single."
"It was my second time with her. I was really satisfied this time, too. She complied with my request very well. She is a very good professional singer."
"Brandon is a terrific talent and pleasure to work with! Drums sound amazing!"
"This is my second time working with Andrei, and he consistently delivers quality production. He brought life to my track and is a great collaborator who knows how to steer an idea in the right direction. 100% recommend!"
"Jordan brought my song to a level I couldn't even fathom. He was super fast and communicative every step of the way. Truly a genius producer and musician and it was an honor working with him!"
"Wow what a beautiful find! Austin is the one you need to see! I never knew I would end up on this platform and find someone who is amazing at what they do. He truly is your one stop shop if you need anything fixed he ..."