Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tom Wavy
Hi, my name is Marijn. I've been making music for over 10 years now and I'd love to help you with your production, writing and lyrics!
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Panda studios have always made a strong statement of investing into the research and purchase of cutting edge equipment, be it new or vintage.
Top Liner, Singer, Producer
Starting age 14 I learned playing bass via my elder brother and some friends. Age 18 started at the Lindenberg Music School with jazz guitar, age 20 took bass lessons with international acclaimed bassplayer, age 33 had my own Amsterdam jam session.
Lets reach your goals. I give artists careers in music. I produce/mix and also master. I have a studio with multiple rooms/instruments and can track everything from live drums to modular synths. I also do remote sessions all over the world. I make beats for hip hop / EDM and can record a full analog indie record. Check my Spotify playlist below
Writing lyrics for Artists
Want that banger that'll blow up on Tik Tok? Want that cinematic and epic sound? I got you. I've been producing for close to eight years with FL Studio.
Due to my poetry and theatre background, I am able to find the core essence of emotion and feelings so that they can be expressed in their raw and pure form as you would feel them not just as an artist but as a soul. So if you need instrumentals or lyrics that you feel define you, a moment or state that you need released then I am the being for You
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Recent Successes
"TI is definitely someone to consider for your project! He took the time to help us correct my mistakes on older songs, patient with all my questions, went over everything in detail, good communication, fast, made our ..."
"Wow! Never experienced service like this before. Thanks so much, preparing some more stuff for you bro 🙂"
"Quality Fast Pro Best of everything"
"Chad on point with the final master. Chad was happy to go through the song with two revisions at an affordable price point. Much appreciated"
"It’s a pleasure for me working with Riley, he is such a professional producer, but he is so much more than that he is a mentor and a friend who care about the art, and illuminate the best way for you to go "
"Yet again Alex passes with flying colors; very quick to get me revisions on my mix, very communicative about which edits he agrees/disagrees with and his professional opinion on why, and very open to trying new things..."
"By far one of the best artist i've worked with! Amazing talents! Definitely gonna work with him again!"
"As always, Nathalie did an amazing job on my track, This is 3/3 now and I am super excited this one. She did exactly what me and my team were looking for and we couldn't be more satisfied with the way it came out!"
"Working with Carter was a pleasant experience. Her song writing skills along with her vocals was exactly what I was looking for. If your looking for a professional skilled songwriter with awesome vocals I strongly rec..."
"This song is very special to husband and I!! Thank you!!! You did such an amazing job!"
"Amazing vocal and amazing to work with! Will be coming back in the future! "