Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tokyo Olympics
Complete dedication to your vision! I have experience mixing/mastering/producing for a wide array of genres - everything from EDM, to Pop, to Hip-Hop, to Classical, and everything in-between. All at an affordable rate!
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Have you been itching for that cinematic sound to add to your music? Perhaps you you have a decent understanding of orchestration, but are looking to enhance it. Or Perhaps you have a great midi orchestral track, but would like to record it with live musicians. Spencer Creaghan of MASTR Studios can provide just that!
Im an experienced producer looking to push the limits in order to create todays most influential music!
Sound like you've never heard it before
I love to hear performances - meaning that I love to hear the uniqueness of the musicians who are writing, singing, playing and producing their music. To support this unique performances is my main priority when I'm recording drum tracks. Let's create music together that moves people!
1x South African Music Award nominee 3x South African Hip Hop Award nominee.
Hello best friend! I am Sam Pura. I am a Producer, Recording, Mix, and Mastering Engineer. I also am a Songwriter and Session Musician. I own and operate The Panda Studios in the San Francisco Bay Area of California. I have made music for 20+ years for various record labels, artists, and independent audio projects all over the globe.
young and experimental producer
He producido y mezclado canciones para cientos de artistas de géneros diferentes como Pop, Hip Hop y música urbana durante más de 10 años con varios cientos de millones de reproducciones en YouTube y Spotify. Tengo las mejores herramientas para mezcla y mástering del mercado y un equipo especializado para trabajar a distancia con artistas.
Recent Successes
"She works immediately after receiving a proposal and she knows estimate what do you need from her or what is it you have been missing in your song. Also a great lyricist :) Pleasure to work with her :)"
"Grateful for Mickey's ability to understand what I'm asking and deliver it every time."
"Sydney added some serious vibes and depth to my tune. She was upfront about her schedule and quick on the revision. She sent extra comps that will help make the choruses huge. Super stoked."
"dude is just like the name!!! solid!!!! thanks again carlo!!!!!"
"Another wonderful experience working with Amanda! Stellar vocals, excellent communication, and a quick turnaround time "
"Working with Austin is always a pleasure! He's Incredibly professional, timely and helps bring tracks to the next level! Thanks, Austin - I look forward to working with you again soon!"
"Josh is a very professional, experienced, mix engineer His work speaks for itself"
"I asked Elieser to help me out on the keyboard section of my R&B/Soul song, he not only nailed every aspect of it but also brought the song to another level! He is the man! I am very impressed by his skills and profes..."