Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Toby Raps
All encompassing Hip Hop Producer with a broad range of styles.
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Critical Listening, Dry Mixes, Drum Mixes, Wet Mixes, Creative Mixes, Solo Recordings, Band Recordings, DAW Assignments, Mix Down, Radio Jingles and Post Productions...
Grammy award winning engineer, highly experienced in making both clean/crispy mixes and creative mixes.
Hi, I'm a singer-songwriter, I write both English and Spanish. Love to mix different genres of music when needed.
If you want beats, I'm your man! I will get you pre made or custom made beats tailored to your needs. I make different genres of beats but specialize in Hip Hop/Trap and epic scores which can be used for trailers, animation etc.
L.A. Sesion Guitarist for Rock, Blues, RnB, Soul, Funk, Hip-Hop, Pop, Gospel and Roots styles 25+ years experience gigging, touring, recording, writing, and teaching Graduated Musicians Institute with Honors (3.9GPA) AA degree in music from M.I.
Hello! I'm Eric, an independent singer/songwriter from the East Coast. I've been writing and performing as a vocalist for 5+ years. I'd love to work on writing new music with some awesome collaborators, so feel free to contact me and we can start making something great!
Karnatic-classical vocalist with a nod from David Guetta.
Skilled and passionate engineer. Worked at top studios in NYC, Barcelona and Mexico City with top producers and artists. I know how music should sound like. I want to bring your vision to life! Lot's of equipment and best monitoring for your projects. Last but not least, great person to work with. Never going to let you down.
Recent Successes
"I've checked out dozens of people before choosing Arthur to mix and master my songs, and I'm now completely sure I made the right choice, since the results are more than perfect. Thank you for the excellent work!"
"Clear, kind and direct with a pair of ears that made us sound better than we probably are. Thanks, Varun!"
"He is the best of the best! So talented, kind and such a great person. Always response very fast my doubts. He understood my song and he took it to the next level. The final result went far beyond my expectations. He ..."
"Fantastic experience working with Mark! He delivered an amazing sounding master that exceeded my expectations. He also generously helped me work through an issue with my mix that came up during the mastering process. ..."
"Becky is so accommodating and flexible and once again, I had a great experience working with her! She took my lyric beyond what I thought was possible (she has quite the knack for that!) and I am grateful to her:) I ..."
"Larry has an ever-growing collection of percussion instruments at his disposal, including custom-made instruments that you won't get elsewhere. My last track was a great opportunity to try out more experimental things..."
"Noah is incredibly talented and a pleasure to work with. He brought our project to life with his creativity and professionalism. I’m excited to collaborate with him again!"