Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tigre Latino
Ready to challenge the conventional? As a sound alchemist, my aim is to transform your tracks into auditory masterpieces that awaken the senses and defy expectations. Get ready for a mix that breaks barriers and redefines the limits of what's possible in music!
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I am a professional and experienced engineer that provides proven old school mixing and mastering techniques with today's newest digital technology that together provides the sound that everyone desires in today's and yesterdays music, also creating a unique sound. I also will work with others under my project name, Industrial Rhythms.
Hi, I'm Isaac Koshy! I'm a singer, songwriter and a multi-instrumentalist.
Producer/ Mix Engineer/ Multi-Intstumentalist
Let's take YOUR VISION to life and make amazing music together. I specialized in Pop, Hiphop, R&B, Trap, and Lofi. But have worked on hundreds of songs across all types of genres. Hit me up and let's talk!
I make movies and paint pictures with my compositions. Im Mr No samples by The way. I make everything from scratch. I would describe my beats as a home cooked meal.
Get your music professionally produced, mixed, and mastered by world renowned music phenom SETMOSIS. This is the same producer who produced and mixed the mega hit "Don't Drop That" (Thun Thun) - FinaTTIcz. His credits include working with legends like KRS ONE, MAD LION, JUNIOR REID, RAY J, SNOOP DOGG, KURUPT, WEST SIDE CONNECTION.
Recent Successes
"Daniel, did a masterful job , on three songs , and in a timely manner, again thank you. Tim L"
"Ben is such a joy to work with! He delivers on his promises and deadlines and brings tremendous creativity to the entire song. I would highly recommend him to any artist!"
"Alyssa did it again! She took my idea and my lyrics and turned it into something great. I love how she brings work to me throughout the writing process to get my thoughts. When I have a question or suggestion, she ..."
"Another great experience working with Marcos. Always very focused on the orchestration. Lots of communication to address various concerns. Final delivery is perfect."
"Josh is a top quality producer with strong communication and vision to help bring your project to life. I've used him for a couple of songs now and would again. "
"You guys Jeff Is the Magic Man He went out of his way to make sure the songs sounded as good as they possibly could, needless to say Everyhing sounds great! We had to make a few changes along the way But its Truly p..."
"Ben's voice is as smooth and fine as silk. When he draws out a note or hits a crescendo, it is so perfectly pitched and strong, yet controlled, that it's pure bliss to hear. His recordings are high quality, and he mee..."
"George did a great job mastering our tracks! Easy communication, fast delivery and good feel for the music!"
"Sean is an amazing singer and will make your ideas come to life and sounding amazing! A real ease to collaborate with, straight forward and to the point, would highly recommend for anyone searching for pro vocals and ..."