Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Wicked Saint
I will provide a professional mix and master that translates well between systems in 1 week or less. I have access to a myriad of analog plugins, and listening systems to ensure that your music sounds the best in any environment and in front of any audience!
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Angel Serrano is a Producer/Engineer from Puerto Rico. During this years he obtain the experience and education as a mixing engineer, and now he is taking his productions to a new level. Angel Serrano "Cyber" has the ability to produce and mix any kind of genre, giving a new touch to his productions.
Hi I'm a music producer/songwriter from Norway and I have over a decade of experience working as a producer, songwriter and engineer on many projects in Norway.
After playing guitar for several years and moving into the world of music production, I got a degree in audio engineering and found my home at the final stage in the music production process. Mastering. I created Guerilla Mastering so I could pursue my mastering career with full control over my work.
Dynamic songwriter, vocalist, and recording artist of 10+ years with experience in sync, pop topline, and more.
Producer with credits on Sony and Warner Bros and countless indie labels over the last 30 years.
LIsten to me. That's my pitch. Period.
Strive for Perfection, Enticed by your sound. I am a Mix Engineer/ Producer who's passion is to achieve the best sound for your music, the best performance out of an Artist, and to accomplish the best finishing product.
We bring your ideas to life, making them catchy and louder!
Recent Successes
"What can i say ?! He’s punctual and very responsive and he DELIVERS. I had an idea and he ran with it. Very excited for the work we have coming in the future "
"Excellent work extremely professional and timely. I would highly recommended him for any of your Engineering and mixing needs."
"Will was Quick, pro, kind and really easy to work with! He found the perfect lyrics to fit on my voice and melody! It’a a BIG YES! ✌️😎"
"Working with Cory was very productive with super communication, he's a very skilled guitarist with a good quality. Not to forget i was quite picky and asked for 3 updates, but he did them all staying positive and crea..."
"Hands down the best provider on SoundBetter, Super responsive, fast, and amazing work! "
"I couldn’t be more pleased with Trey. I feel privileged to be working with one of the greats. He listens to my ideas and let me ask what some might consider the “dumb questions” but not him. Trey Bruce is a master ..."
"Andres works on my client's music, and my own, and it's always a pleasant ride, full of good vibes, quality, and detail. Thank you for another amazing mastering service. "
"Professional, timely, and musical. Matt is very easy to work with, and he makes sure that things are done well. He will take your song and elevate it. Highly recommend him!"