Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Songs of the Phoenix
From Grammy-award-winning producers to Oscar-award-winning songwriters, I have worked with the best of the best. I am here to provide my years of training, experience, and expertise to your latest project.
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Indie pop artist available for songwriting / production / composition / vocals / instrumentation.
With 10 years of experience, music is what i life and die for. I've had the honor of being trusted by top artist like Kevin gates. I specialize in bringing any vision to life weather pop, hip hop or R&B. I have been trained by Grammy award winning mix engineers such as mack woodward and more. I have perfected to art of the mainstream sound.
Unique voice singer/songwriter/producer
My preferred activities in the music field deal with sountrack scoring. However I like also to produce songs (not sang by myself!) and I'm a poli-istrumental player (piano, flute, guitar, bass)
Mezclas desdel Pop, Rock y Urbano
I’ve been lucky enough to work with musicians from around the world in bands and for a range of music projects, large and small. Everybody involved always brings something unique- experience, vision, imagination, creativity, passion, determination, energy, a voice, and an unbelievable amount of musical talent.
I am a multi-instrumentalist and a certified producer/sound engineer/artist/musician. who is looking to work with people in anything music! I've made songs with people from all over the world, both in a professional studio environment and in a relaxed "at-home" setting.
Mixing and mastering, along with music arranging and sound production, are my areas of expertise.
Recent Successes
"I've worked many times with Enlia, that says it all!"
"I continue to meet and work with incredibly talented people on this site and Betty Lawrence is definitely among them. I gave her a somewhat dusty old track I wrote a few years ago and she laid it down with a dreamy, s..."
"Highly focused and diligent remix of my tracks for a new album. There was A LOT to handle in these mixes with choir, strings, brass, layered vocals plus a regular drums/bass/guitar band. Nate handled all these..."
"Dan was great, very flexible and able to use all the tricks of the trade with mixing and mastering engineering. Feels like a friend too. And OKGO rocks! I’ll be a repeat client."
"Stunning, beautiful voice with a haunting pop/rock vibe. Great communication and quick turnaround. Overdelivered on delivery with lots of options. A great collaboration and I'm thrilled with the result. "
"Another great mixed and mastered record! Really appreciate the continuity of taking what he learns from previous songs, knowing what the artist likes or doesn't like, listening- a pleasure and ease to work with this g..."
"Yoad worked miracles once again, taking a VERY rough mix and spinning it into pure gold. Thank you, Yoad!"
"I AM SPEECHLESS! Guido made my song better than I could have imagined! He seriously made it come to life. I thought it was good before, but now it's magical! Wowwwwww - You will constantly see my reviews on his page b..."