Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Slow Scare
Producer, songwriter & mixing engineer w/ 10+ years of experience.
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Hi-End Mastering and dubplate cutting in downtown Berlin.
Looking for artists that are exciting and refreshing , Something that feels better than sex, I’m not a producer who’s in it for the money and I’m brutally honest with the track . If your track sounds super refreshing I’m willing to do it for free based on a percentage. Highly recommend listening to my previous work,
An upcoming producer in the Rap , Hip-Hop , and Pop genres, his producer name (StubbyOnDaBeat) started back in highschool when all of his friends started to call him Stubby. With over 2,500 followers and subscribers on Instagram and content on Apple , Spotify, etc.... StubbyOnDaBeat’s content has over 100s and 1,000s of total views
UK based session bassist.
I give your song a warm, analog touch with Piano- and Bassline Melodies, Mixing and Sounddesign
Music professional who works as a producer, composer and guitarist. Versatility is its transversal quality together with its creative sensitivity. He has the necessary knowledge and tools in his area that allow him to materialize projects with efficiency and agility. He has a high command of musical languages such as Pop, Funk, Urban Music and R&B.
Edición, Mezcla y Mastering de Audio.
A multi-award-winning producer-performer who is an independent Indigenous techno/electronic solo artist. Sean shares his gifts with select Pow Wow elements, percussion, and vocal chants added throughout his high-energy hybrid performance of live loops and originally produced music, sounding a cross between The Chemical Brothers & Richie Hawtin.
Recent Successes
"Once again Robert has been wonderful to work with, he's invaluable when it comes to polishing up my songs, while also patiently answering my questions along the way. Absolutely looking forward to my next project with ..."
"Zach did a great job mastering my track, he really brought it to a professional level. The highs were crispy, the lows were nice and full. He turned it around super quickly too, great job! I'll definitely be using ..."
"Great work!"
"Just great, went above and beyond, was happy to accommodate my revision requests, great authentic jazzy sounding vocal."
"Maybe this is my 8th time working with Austin As usual he has exceeded my expectations. Please rest assure that Austin can do it all. If you have any doubts about if Austin can meet your expectations I have one piece ..."
"Good work, Great attitude,Quick execution, Very professional. Bangin' track! The mix is Sick, indeed!"
"Manuel never ceases to impress! Memorable composition, epic orchestration, and tasteful arranging. Very pro and easy to work with."
"Great job!"
"This was my first time working with Manuel and the first time I've used clarinet on my piano pieces. It was a very nice experience! It's always hard working remotely and with musicians you haven't worked with before b..."
"Abbie is always top-notch. Beautiful voice, creative and easy to work with. Always grateful. "