Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tanner Laws
Looking for a studio as dedicated to your hard work as your are. You have found the right team to make your mixes sound as vibrant and full as possible and your mastering sound as polished as it can be!
More providers:
The Edge sends your music to another level. Tracking, editing, mixing and mastering!
Cave Studio Productions, is a professional Project Studio at Athens, Greece.
Hi, I'm Como, I'm a singer songwriter, currently working in Vienna. I've been told that my songs remind of London Grammar, Tory Amos, Alanis Morisette, Coldplay and Florence and the Machine... After a tedious major label contract, I'm finally making music the way I want : )
Multi-Platinum Producer from London, UK. Currently signed with Generation Smash (Smash The House - https://www.smashthehouse.com/ )
I am the producer, mixing engineer, and mastering engineer behind the Valoramous project -- EDM/Big Room, Rave-Rock, and Electropop.
Music producer and songwriter of Universal Music, with over 4,000,000 streams worldwide
Music producer
[Insert pitch here]
Recent Successes
"I was very impressed with how my master turned out. He is very responsive and pays great attention to detail. He masters quick and the result was amazing. I was super excited when I heard my master for the first time...."
"Trey is a master and our go-to producer, mixer. Simply amazing work."
"Clever mastered many of the songs that are going to be on an EP. My dude killed it! It sounds so professional and we’re super happy to have worked with him! "
"Micah has mixed and mastered about a half dozen of my songs now. This experience was as smooth as ever- great response time, strong communication, and a detailed ear for the nuances and textures of a professional mix."
"Elise made a great demo very quickly. I can't wait to continue our collaboration :)"
"Sara is amazing in all ways, looking forward to working with her again!! :D "
"Collaborative, professional, great taste, and extremely reliable and helpful. "
"Another brilliant drum track from Nate! Never fails to deliver. Thanks again!"
"Second time working with Chris and he did an incredible job again and is real pro! 🌟"