Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with SONY PUB
Sometimes all you need is the right person on your side, to make your music come alive! I focus on artistry, helping you craft your music based on who you are. I have 10 years of experience, in Gospel, Jazz, Swing, Pop, Musicals, Composing, mixing, engineering, and production of all kinds.
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Singer-Songwriter / Musician Interested in working with producers, other writers, singers, and musicians on new music. *Also willing to collab depending on the project www.TyParks.com https://linktr.ee/cardboardboxkid instagram: cardboardboxkid
Freelance audio engineer with 20 years of experience.
Bringing your music to life at an affordable price!
Im here to take your song from good to great.
Searching for that unique character or sound in your song? With the combination of tube preamps/compressors and articulate playing, using one of my services will help you stand out compared to the thousands of songs published each day.
Experienced studio and live performance drummer for hire
Hey! Been a producer/mixer for 6+ years specialising in working with rock and heavy bands.
PRODUCER | SONGWRITER | TOPLINER [!] Ask me for prices and we talk
Recent Successes
"Jimmy was very professional and his work was outstanding. I will definitely work with him again."
"Rob is a wonderful engineer! We absolutely loved his work! He really surprised us with an incredible mix we barely needed to fix! He was so professional with things and was so quick to respond. We will definitely be b..."
"His ability to bring you more than you asked for is out of control! This dude rocks beyond expectations! Highly qualified for the game! "
"I love working with Dom, he's awesome! I love his passion and enthusiasm!! Love all his epic musical compositions and unique vocal chops!! Love the creativity! Thanks for the good vibes always!!!"
"Excellent job !"
"i love her voice ! she has amazing voice and skills 5/5! 👍 "
"I have worked with Freddie on a lot of music. He is very consistent. This song was no different. Every time he provides amazing parts, great communication and his professionalism is always highest of standards. He wor..."