Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Swankie DJ
I will produce and/or engineer your music for you, whether your a singer, or a guitar player, or a music producer yourself. I will work with you to get the best results. If you need a song producing from scratch or mixing and engineering a band. I will be able to assist you no matter your needs.
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My name is Toua Vang and I am a Producer/Composer/Mix-Engineer/Songwriter in Winona, MN. I have a Bachelor degree in Music Production and look to offer my expertise towards anyone in need. My proficiency is upon Pop and Hip-hop, but I feel I have the knowledge and preparation to work on other genres as well.
I'm a Gold certified award winning producer and songwriter best known for my work with my band Glades. I have produced and written songs with over 300 million streams to date. I am a proficient mix engineer and have worked on numerous releases.
I specialize in story writing, hardcore rap, heartbreak/love song.
I have been taught by industry professionals such as Lewis Capaldi/CamelPhat's Engineer. I have also had success through my personal tracks on Spotify reaching 1 million streams worldwide.
Mixing and mastering engineer from Mexico City, i´ve been working with metal/rock bands since 2013
Masters and remasters on all music genres
Experienced Music Producer / Audio Engineer that will take your sound to the next level!
A low price for a great experience, my goal is not the money, it is to take your projects to the highest level I am capable of.
Recent Successes
"Great work, great professionalism, we are very happy with the final work Radiofm project"
"Dude. Is. Legit. Fantastic communication. Delivery of tracks that would make Jeff Bezos jealous. Offers endless edits, which is great but you won't need to edit anything. If you're wanting top off the line trumpet, lo..."
"Ethan was so on point on every note for this track, knew exactly what i needed for this. Amazing vocalist. I'm so blown away by his talent!!!! Such an amazing singer!"
"Nick is PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Getting to work with Chris was a great decision he took a simple lyrics that I wrote and made an incredible song with it! I highly recommend letting Chris grace your next project he will out perform any expectations! "
"Roy was an absolute breeze to work with. I had some special requests he was able to meet, such as keeping my rough mix intact inside Ableton, and mixing from my Ableton project. This saved me tremendous effort in prep..."
"Extremely brilliant singer and Talent. He brought my song to LIFE. Thank you my . "
"Rob is truly exceptional! His professionalism and knowledge are unmatched. He takes the time to explains the process in a way that’s both helpful and educational. Rob is always ready to answer questions, and go the ex..."