Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Snooze Mami
A seasoned hip-hop and R&B songwriter with a knack for turning emotions into captivating stories. With a unique ability to translate any mood or feeling into compelling narratives, I bring life to music that resonates deeply with listeners. Let me craft your next hit that not only moves bodies but touches souls.
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Production, Mixing & Mastering available online. I'm willing to work with any genre of music. I have worked with electronic/EDM, pop, rap, metal, etc.
I’m a singer songwriter who specializes in the writing of all genres. I have a commercial ear which means I know what the people want to hear. But I tailor all my writings to what the customer wants.
Emmy-nominated composer and mixer with a depth of experience and a fresh pair of ears.
Behind the scenes working with top 40 producers,artists, and labels. We can take care of you through every step of the hit making process from writing to mastering.
From big Pop toplines, to Country, to Indie Rock, House and EDM, I've navigated quite a few genres to sing and write. I've had songs as a writer and artist featured on ABC and MTV, and in the German House track, "Walls," debuted on the BBC. If you need lead vocals, backgrounds, arrangement, toplining or more, I love exploring all a song can be.
Brand Manager at Infini
Mixing and Recording engineer involved in Grammy awarded and nominated productions. I mix a lot of progressive rock/metal, pop rock, dream pop, alternative pop/rock.
Mix & Master passionate, music producer and DJ
Recent Successes
"On point, easy to communicate with, professional and he delivered work that was better than I hoped you. Can highly recommend! "
"This is the first time I used SoundBetter platform. So I was little worried whether I can get the expected outcome. I'm so glad I found Hugo's profile. All I did was explaining him the meaning of the song as it wasn't..."
"Mikey is a professional drummer that provides 1st class quality gigs ...and we will be tracking with him again ...highly recommended!~"
"Always great to work with Sarina! Highly recommended "
"Amazing artist to work with! He has so much talent and if you’re looking for someone to trust with your project you gotta choose those guy!!! He makes nothing but hits 🔥🔥"
"Always create something special- "
"Chris is INCREDIBLE! Seriously, he understood exactly what I wanted in my project and delivered truly beautiful guitar parts that just changed the entirety of my song for the better! I am definitely going to use him a..."
"It's getting harder to put words together that convey the depth of admiration I have for Esjay at this point!! It's beyond adoration too because I feel like I have found a musical kindred spirit and soul sister on top..."