Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Righteous Emcee
A seasoned hip-hop and R&B songwriter with a knack for turning emotions into captivating stories. With a unique ability to translate any mood or feeling into compelling narratives, I bring life to music that resonates deeply with listeners. Let me craft your next hit that not only moves bodies but touches souls.
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Nominated By Amsterdam International Film Fest for Best Original Score, Eddie Torres is a Music producer/Film Composer/Musician with nearly 30 years of combined experience. A member of the Grammy’s Recording Academy.
My name is Chris Bauer and I run an online mastering studio in Germany. My clients are based in more than 40 countries around the world and range from amateur musicians through to professional artists and bands. I have experience in mastering a broad range of music genres, from jazz through to heavy metal.
HI! , I'm Mks, I'm pretty passionate about music so that I compose songs and musics. I have created many songs of mine and they are on Facebook and Youtube by the name "NM BROTHERS" as well as Mp3 on "SOUNDCLOUD". I have been working on creating/composing/mixing musics & songs for 3 to 4 years. Creating music is like my hobbies.
Songwriter and vocalist with over 200 million streams on Spotify.
Producción y masterización de canciones. Lo géneros que más domino son el trap, reggaeton y hip-hop/rap. Abierto a todo tipo de negocios.
Composer, performer, and multi-instrumentalist singer-songwriter based in Los Angeles. Touring keyboardist, guitarist, and saxophonist for Lindsey Stirling.
Producer, writer, and artist with 10+ years of experience specializing in alt pop, indie pop, indie folk, and electronic in Nashville, TN.
Songwriter/lyricist been writing for 5 years. 2 songs out - Everything + Say Yea - Rexxx III Instrumentalist (trumpet and piano) 10+ years Jazz composition New but hopeful, helpful and have a lot to offer I know how to find the words to say, what to say or sing. Musically inclined my whole life.
Recent Successes
"We didn't even realize all that goes into making a vocal sound whole until we worked with Emma. If you have even a competent vocalist, Emma can help you to take your track to the next level. We cannot say enough posit..."
"Best of the best for all genres. Honestly, you can tell Zolton has done extensive work for some very level musicians, but he’s such a humble and easy person to work with. I make hip hop instrumentals and he does incre..."
"Krysta's songwriting is incredible and to top it off her vocals are also amazing. She really exceeded my expectations & I am definitely going to be using her songwriting and vocals again before the end of the year! "
"great master and really swift turnover ! thanks"
"Voodoo is the Truth! Genre and language is no barrier to this man! Phil is professional, insanely skilled, responsive, and a pleasure to work with! We had a special project that's been through a few different engineer..."
"Bram is always the best! Every master managed by him sounds powerful and very broad!!"
"Absolutely BRILLIANT!!!! First time woirking with Benjamin and I'm so happy with what he and his team have done. Perfectly recorded, all split in to various stems and most of all he did it without much sheet music. Gr..."
"Craigs is a true professional. A fantastic player, great recordist and fast turnaround. The trifecta for me! After a nice back and forth he had his part recorded and ready for me to drop into my session in under 24..."
"Doug helped me master an album for solo piano. Doug helped me gain confidence in my mixes by producing awesome masters and helping me throughout the process. Doug was a super listener and communicator and I highly rec..."
"Best mastering and communication as always! thanks Camilo. OmerBMusic"