Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with SNK Studios
Drummer and mix engineer in London. Specialise in drumming on louder rock / emo / indie and have a diverse mix approach for music anywhere rock to folk. Big love for real drums in emo/rap and programmed drums in acoustic/folk
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Sound Engineer, Songwriter, Musician, Composer, Arranger and Producer. I released few albums (2013 - 2017) under my name, with some well known international guests as lead vocalist, plus lots of soundtrack and third parts works during my career. Currently working on my third solo album scheduled to be released on the last quarter 2023.
I'm a Professional Singer/Guitarist who has been doing this for as long as I can remember, I have a wealth of session experience both in the studio and online. I've had original tracks broadcasted on BBC radio, featured on EMI's production library and working with SoundBetter clients have gained millions of plays on Spotify.
Christopher Bellamy: Session & Touring Guitarist at Taghouse Artist Group
I am honored to be nominated for an Indie Soul President's Choice Award from Soul Cafe Radio.
Artist/ Singer/ Songwriter/ Vocal Producer. 10+ years of experience with Grammy award winning producers and artists. Credits include: (2x Platinum) Grammy award winning Dj Luney Tunez (Rihanna, Future), Mickey Shiloh (Timbaland, Britney Spears), Grammy Nominated duo The Hitlist (Mya, Eric Bellinger) Midi Mafia (50 Cent, Brandy, Fantasia)
Singer/Songwriter/Top-liner & Producer
Skilled and passionate engineer. Worked at top studios in NYC, Barcelona and Mexico City with top producers and artists. I know how music should sound like. I want to bring your vision to life! Lot's of equipment and best monitoring for your projects. Last but not least, great person to work with. Never going to let you down.
Recent Successes
"Great voice! It was pleasure to work with Robin! "
"Tom is great to work with ! I chose Tom because of his range of styles and asked him to incorporate a pop/rock style into his drumming for a country pop song. I was able to give him some general guidance on what I..."
"Tyler is a great singer but the process was taking a bit too long. Also the communication at the end was getting lost. It felt a bit sad because we were happy about her final work. We hope to receive the requested ma..."
"I highly recommend Emma for polished work in vocal production, and for her close attention to detail. As a vocalist, I'm really picky in terms of what I like, and Emma made sure that we got everything perfect in the e..."
"Great, fast and professional. Would recommend!!"
"Really great working with Jamie - he was quick and efficient and got the vibe of the track really quickly. He was also super patient with my change requests and nothing was too much effort! He has really good ideas an..."
"Daniel was professional, polite, and communicated regularly. He composed a beautiful melody for our original song project that we can take into the recording studio. Thank you so much Daniel! Keep making music for th..."
"Nate did a fantastic job! This is my second time working with him and he always delivers a incredible product with a quick turnaround time. His drum session was exactly what my song needed!"
"Top quality vocals by a true professional. I would definitely recommend Maisie!"