Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sam Lachow - "Lady Sunday"
Record Producer, Sound Designer
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Benjamin Goldman is an experienced, award-winning composer who specializes in scoring music for film, television, advertising/commercials and other media.
Looking for vocals that are emotive and engaging? Or a topline that is catchy and distinctive?
Content Writing Services
Dj & Producer Progressive House
I am a composer, producer, mixing engineer, guitarist & multi-instrumentalist with almost 20 years of experience working as a musician.
Vocal tuning,
A Mixing engineer who is passionate about my work and who wants to elevate the artists sound. I want to get the best from you out of you.
If you're looking for a professional Future Pop / Future House production, you are at the right place. Original vocals are possible, and are included in the price. I have worked on songs that have released on labels of big dj/producers, like Don Diablo's 'Future' label, and Hardwells' Gemstone label. Currently studying at the Herman Brood Academy.
Recent Successes
"Kyrie did a fantastic job on our track. The character and tone of her voice is really unique, but also very commercial and competitive—which is exactly what we wanted. Great work and great to work with too! HIGHLY rec..."
"Right on point, a real pro, but such a beautiful tone to her voice! We were going in a little different direction on this song, and she delivered exactly what I had hoped for, and then some! :)"
"Once again Patricio did an amazing job! Such a professional besides being a very nice guy."
"Raena was great to work with. She’s a talented writer and singer. I would highly recommend!"
"Scott is a first call for me. great voice, intonation, artistry, great attitude, knocks the stuff out-great ideas for harmonies, etc,etc. also great responding to feedback and always nails it by 2nd take for a few nit..."
"Love working with Nate! He's quick and does a great job."
"I can't recommend Big Jerm enough. The mixing on my songs sounds fantastic - he's attentive to details, timely, and most of all you can hear the care he puts into his work. Looking forward to working with him going fo..."
"Once again Kiki delivered amazing sounding vocals. She gets the vibe and the feel for the songs. I highly recommend working with her. Thank you!"