Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sin Permiso
Singer, composer, producer and dancer. Dance pop, R&B
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One of the best songwriters & music producers in Russia Russian GRAMMY-award winner.
Equipment and facilities are important, but useless without the right person behind the desk. Co-owner and lead engineer, Chris Jensen, has spent his life studying music and working in the industry. Chris earned his B.A. in Music Performance and Business at University of Georgia, studied Music Production at Pyramind in San Francisco.
I'm a singer more than 13 years, have a lot of practise in vocal, so I can give You any type of voice You need, check my portfolio pls! https://soundcloud.com/delinsky-1/sets/delinsky-portfoliovocal
"That's really the way to do a recording: in a peaceful, relaxed setting. In somebody's basement. With the windows open ... and a dog lying on the floor." - Bob Dylan
I'm a french music producer, Mixing/Mastering engineer. Let the music sounds better together !
Good music lives here.
Fully produced records and albums, made with real sounds in real spaces. 6 #1's on various Billboard Charts, 11 top 10's. Take your song to the next level and make a record with me remotely or come make it at my studio.
Recent Successes
"All perfect. Top mastering. Fast service."
"I am very happy I did choose Chris for my project! Very talented. Already started a second project with him and hope to do many, many more!"
"best best best best! 5/5"
"I am so privileged that Francey has played on our songs. She always delivers a quality sound. Thanks so much Francey."
"Larry faithfully replicated the percussion my track already had, so it was easy to blend in with the rest. I'm always pleased with his additions of other instruments that add so much to the piece's texture."
"Yoed Nir goes above and beyond! What a great talent! The sound of his chelo is amazing!"
"SANTIAGO was quick in response and even sent a sample demo of what he could do, so it was easy to make a decision. He offered a very reasonable price that fit my budget. I recommend him for any dialogue cleanup. Mine ..."
"Listen right'cheaa! There are NO WORDS for Nettie's skills and professionalism! Very detailed and precise, quick turn-around-time, Me and my team are CLIENTS FOR LIFE....I have 2 words, "REPEAT CUSTOMERS""
"I'm so grateful to have access to a mastering engineer with such an extraordinary skill level! Master sounds fantastic, and I can't wait to work with him again! In addition, he was very helpful with questions I had..."
"He came through with an amazing mix/and master as always! I can’t wait to see what he does with our next song! "