Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Simon van Genderen
I've been producing, mixing and mastering my own songs since 2020 and I am now ready to do the same for other artists. Some other self-producing singer-songwriters from my area as well as casual listeners think that my mixes sound professional and dynamic, which is a sign that my mixes and masters translate well among a variety of audiences.
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Tre The Boy Wonder all over the place! Be a part! Mixing Credits: Afu-Ra | David Banner | Jeru The Damaja | Grafh | Cory Gunz (Young Money) | Lord Tariq | Peter Gunz | Rock- Heltah Skeltah | Xavier Naidoo | Kool Savas | Olli Banjo | Torch | Curse | Sido | Galla | Moe Mitchell | Megaloh | Afrob | D-Flame | Monseigneur Mike and many more...
Maleki Enterprises & Associates Cyrus Maleki Bachelor of Fine Arts in Sound Design, Savannah College of Art & Design [2014] Hometown: Savannah, GA, USA Portfolio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7myF6OhL-k
no grammy awards, no major labels, no MTV , VH1 etc.... But whoever I've worked with comes back.
She sings, she arranges, she plays the guitar,is proficient on the bass, the clarinet, the keys, can produce in any genres, she can write.... I'll let her music tell you the rest.
Hi, Im Josh Willz. I am a music producer/composer, mixing and mastering engineer and i believe music should be a affordable passion so i can help independent artists on limited budgets without limited quality. Average turn around time is 2 weeks for a full instrumental
The songs I produced for Etra reached more than 200.000 streams on Spotify!
A greater sound
Rock and metal mixing engineer. 🤟🏻
Recent Successes
"Tempo shows what a difference a great singer can make to a good song... actually making it great! In addition, he is able to deliver this little bit of extra quality which only come from artists who are able to follow..."
"This guy is truly great. The songs were so awesome that they instantly had everyone who listened to them humming the hooks and lyrics. There is no way that you could go wrong when using this guy to work with you on an..."
"Great job as always! "
"Judy is an amazing pianist. She has the rare ability to listen closely to direction, execute, and add her own intuitive touch to the music. I hope to work with her on many projects to come. It was an honor to work wit..."
"My first time using soundbetter and Valentyne is amazing. I honestly feel I stressed him out but he still was happy to help regardless of what I asked of him for my song. He was so comfortable to work with and I love ..."
"Another track mixed by Roy. Excellent sound and really brought the best out of my track. Great to know my ideas are in safe hands when I send a track over to Roy to be mixed! Looking forward to working with Roy again."
"This is was the first time Yoed arranged a string section with multiple parts and it was amazing. Yoed is extremely talented and has been great to work with."
"Awesome mixer, amazing masterer and wonderful person, we loved to work with him"