Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Blue Vultures
I've been producing, mixing and mastering my own songs since 2020 and I am now ready to do the same for other artists. Some other self-producing singer-songwriters from my area as well as casual listeners think that my mixes sound professional and dynamic, which is a sign that my mixes and masters translate well among a variety of audiences.
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fast song writing skills
Calum is a producer/songwriter/mixer who has worked on projects with artists such as Celine Dion and Aloe Blac. His unique approach to rhythm and sound design makes songs/tracks stand out. He specializes in rhythmic pop tracks like Selena Gomez or AlunaGeorge and new age psychedelia like Tame Impala, but he often works in other pop/rock genres.
Alex Strahle has produced and played guitar on tracks for One Republic, Arizona Zervas, Landon Barker, and Olivia Holt.
I’m an audio engineer and music producer who specializes in mixing and mastering.
Dex Wolfe is a record producer, musician, mix engineer, and songwriter based in Minneapolis, MN. He has a special balance of meticulousness and big-picture thinking. Known for his craftsmanship, ability to wear many musical hats, and as a compassionate collaborator. Wolfe elevates the projects he’s involved with.
Moth Wing Music is the creative space of Vincent Iddon. A Music producer, session guitarist and videographer. "Vince was a pleasure to work with, a talented no-fuss professional who instantly got it and made the seemingly impossible happen. Check out Moth Wing Music." - Reg Meuross
Pro International Song/Lyric writer. Screenwriter. Playwright. Good Home studio. Good rates. Most genres.
$50 for songwriting & mixing? Look no further!
Recent Successes
"Marco is a delight to collaborate with! Amiable, flexible & bang on what you require of him. And his results are always top notch!"
"I enjoyed to work with Raymond. "
"Very professional, responsive and with a great "ear". Highly recommended!"
"Jenny is always great to work with. Good communication, professional service and exceptional talent. Thanks Jenny!"
"Just wrapped up my second single w/ Elliot. This was a combo stem mix/mastering job on a complex production that was also in need of a vibe shift. I gotta say, Elliot's skills are just unbelievable! Dude is talented, ..."
"I've played and recorded with a lot (a lot, lot, lot) of drummers over the years, but Adam makes my music sound better than it ever has. I am so thrilled to be able to work with him!"
"Chris is quick and reliable an absolute pleasure to work with and goes the extra mile to ensure he gets your request right"
"Had some lyric changes to a prior project. I've already reviewed and covered how awesome Brittany is to work with. The deliveries always nail it. Makes you lose yourself in the song and just enjoy it. What I will s..."