Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Selmi
Get your music to the next level! I am a mastering engineer from Florence, Italy. I've been working in the music industry for 6 years and i've released many songs under the name Underwtr. My main gig now is mastering. Trust me with your work, if you're not satisfied, i will refund you!
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I am a Full Sail University graduate with over eight years of experience in the fields of recording, mixing and production. I have specialized in Electronic / EDM , Rock and Industrial, as well as Hip-Hop and Rap music.
Hello everybody!!! My name's Marco and I'm searching for any kind of collaboration as session guitarist, arranger or composer. I'm able to mix songs (i'm not a qualified mixing engineer) and write drum parts too (I can transcribe scores for any kind of intrument). I graduated on November 2016 at Saint Louis College of Music (SLCM, Rome)
I’m working with Netflix, BBC, Discovery Channel and AMC.
Do you need custom music and sound design to extract emotion and energy from your video? I can help.
Yo! I’m a songwriter, beatmaker, producer (musical and vocal), keyboardist and vocalist with plenty of experience and an extensive catalog in the Latin and Global music field. Let me take care of your needs and work WITH you in getting you to where you should be. I won’t be satisfied unless you’re blown away. SE HABLA Y SE TRABAJA EN ESPAÑOL.
we can be your ghost producers, part time producers and composers and we can be your mix and master engineer
A young man who has been worked in music studios and work with differents producers as beatmakers and musicians
Unleash your music's full potential with perfect melodies, lyrics, and singing. Let me help you create the next big hit for the world to enjoy!
Recent Successes
"Working with Austin has been a great experience. I was looking for someone to add a little imagination into the mix and he did a great job. Very happy with the overall sound, Would recommend."
"Darren has been the best thing to happen to me, This guy is now family to me, I trust him completely with everything Ive given him. I am looking forward to build this relationship with him. I have soooooo many pro..."
"I'm so lucky to have found Neil. He's recorded a few tunes already and every song has turned out great. He gives me choices and adds flair every time. This helps me put more color in my songs and a fresh perspective. ..."
"I loved BRAIL's voice and performance the first time, we did a fast funk with a James Brown feel. This time we slowed it down with a heavy message song and he WROTE a lively RAP to the bridge, performed it with perfe..."
"This is a great Drummer,very experienced,precise,with a very friendly character! I had some communicating problems with the platform and the guy was totally cool and understanding. I worked with Chuck in a really ..."
"Another great song with Turkez :) He's just a professional in what he do. I always come back to him because of his professional mix and master. He works hard and fast he's always friendly and listen to any quote. Than..."
"Beautiful job as usual. Rob is solid with all his work!"
"Great as usual!"