Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sarke
Producer / Mixing / Mastering
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Recording&Mixing Studio, worked for Artists like Victoria Benesch, Rockhead, ...
Professional and versatile singer and yodeler, who loves to record her voice for all types of music.
I'm a singer-songwriter-producer-technician from Portland, Oregon. You can browse my publicly available music at linktr.ee/whitneyjoe and find my EPK at whitneyjoe.com
Hello and welcome to my page! :) I'm Vickie. I produce, mix, master, write, play, anything. I love being a part of the music process whatever that part may be and I would love to talk to you about your project! What makes me different from most other producers is I care as much about your music as you do. Let's get to work!
I am cheaper than most engineers. Faster delivery
Specializing in production of indie alternative rock music with a sound thats intimate yet expansive.
I offer mixing and mastering services for a respectful price, the reason I don't want to overcharge for my services is that I enjoy this job.
We are Sparks Studio, a multidisciplinary studio focused on the music world, founded by Cristiana Figueiredo and Lucas Moreira. Let's make music visual!
Recent Successes
"She is so fantastic, immens happy with her singing and professionally. Second song with Breana, on word: incredible!!!"
"Excellent as usual, he is an amazing audio engineer."
"This is the third song I have done with Breana and every experience keeps getting better. This last song she killed it, I had the idea and the title of the song and she went in! Every thing she said matched what I was..."
"Great communication and incredible mix. "
"Great bass playing. Great to work with. Cinco Estrellas!"
"It was such a pleasure to have Michael as a guest speaker for my online masterclass. Michaels enthusiasm and skills are exceptional. He went out of his way to deliver a fantastic class. Everyone learnt so much. Th..."
"OUTSTANDING guitar work from Daniel! We had high expectations and he totally exceeded them, providing way more than we asked for. The creativity and results were top notch as expected, but his very personal approach m..."
"Just finished the eighth song for the new album. This one draws you in with the cadence and satiates you with the chorus. Just amazing! Marcello does it again!"
"I'm a repeat client of Paul Cecchetti and I always turn to him for good quality orchestral or big band arrangements. This one was for a big band and as always, very satisfied with his work."
"Fantastic job - Isabel added real nuance to some tricky tracks, would absolutely recommend hiring for any string work"