Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rusco
I've been producing music since I was 14 years old and nowadays I'm working as a freelance producer, mixer, and sessionist for different artists. I have worked on fiverr for a few years now and I have an average of 5 stars on the reviews. Looking forward to work on your project. Thank you!
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I am a professional studio vocalist, live performance artist and audio engineer. I put my all into every single project and I deliver high quality vocals for every one of my clients.
I will produce your music up to commercially competitive standards and take your song to the next level. I will also write, and track any guitars on your music and projects.
Lived in Nashville for over a decade working on music.
Honestly when it comes to things that I have accomplished I have accomplished nothing unless you count 17 followers on Soundcloud or entering the beat contest but if you give me a chance I promise I will make it worthwhile.
Get the best bookkeeping services in Perth with our professionals experienced in accounting, bookkeeping, financing, and taxation of various businesses.
My goal is to make your song sound amazing. Music is not just music, It’s a lifestyle.
Producer and Mixing Engineer with multiple Spotify Editorial placements.
Metal, Rock, and Indie music production. Blue Evolution Productions is based on making your musical vision come alive.
Recent Successes
"Mella was awesome to work with. She is creative while at the same time she's very technical. Her response time for getting back with changes is amazing. I will be doing more work with her in the future. She has a beau..."
"Great work as always, thanks for being patient through all of my changes bruv.. Lets go!!"
"Kyrie is super dope. Very talented an efficient. Communications with her were great. She's super understanding flexible but most importantly CRAZY talented! I'm def going to do another collab with her soon "
"Let's see, where to start with Lydia's review and what I required for this song... 1. Great piano performance - Lydia, check 2. Great vocal performance - Lydia, check 3. Great arranging - Lydia, check 4. Great com..."
"Todd's work is top notch, and an absolute bargain. He's also very friendly and communicative. Plus, he turned the job around super, super quickly!"
"He never fails! I've worked with Vanja over a hundred times now and there's a reason I always go back for more. He has the perfect touch for our guitar work and helps bring our songs to life in a fast ad professional ..."
"We at Coldhouse Records would like to Thank Josh Florez on a Great job of Mastering Ka'Vettie Smoke songs.."
"I’ve asked Riley to master a lot of my songs for about a year now and he ALWAYS delivers. Speedy delivery, kind correspondence, and top notch mastering"
"Andres, was very timely and communicative throughout the mastering process. Provided us with a quick turnaround and professional service."