Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Reality Show
A music producer and mixing engineer with over 15 years experience in the industry and work on GRAMMY-nominated and winning projects including Reality Show and Heaux Tales, multiple syncs in TV and Film, and myriad projects with independent artists across genres.
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Diversifying to assist with outside productions.
I am an aspiring producer, ex DJ, and ex keyboardist for a rock band. I love music, and I want to always be involved in it as much as possible.
Hi, I'm Nia! Do you need to bring your songs to life on a budget that you can afford? Hire me, a Broadway Star and finalist in the John Lennon Songwriting Contest! 24-hour turnaround available!
Hit me up for pop vocals and top liner jobs in all genres!
Grant is a music producer based out of Tampa, FL. He specializes in house music production and has the skill set to produce different genres of dance music. With a long background of performing guitar in metal bands he incorporates live instrumentation into his recordings. If you need technicality, precision, and a quick turn look no further.
:: Silky, crisp, fresh contemporary mixes :: Warm and wide synth textures :: Polished, organic vocal sounds ::
I am dedicated to recording and mastering, sometimes mixing, artists in Santiago de Chile, and I also work as production manager and mixing engineer in live concerts and broadcasts.
Let me bring your music to life with my creative mixing and mastering skills!
Recent Successes
"Kramer is the best! Fast turnaround, and he will go out of his way to make sure you get the best possible master. Wouldn't go anywhere else."
"Julian did an amazing job and exceeded our expectations! He is very professionnal and its very easy to interact with him. Will definitely work with him again in the future. "
"Brandon rocked it out of the park! Damm this guy can sing! Brandon is easy to work with, a total professional and his turnaround time was faster than a speeding eight note. ;) I will be hiring Brandon to do more work...."
"Nobody better."
"I was thrilled to find a well-known German singer here. And I was surprised how nice and smooth our cooperation went. Volkan truly is one of a kind. He immediately understood my needs, professionally contributed feedb..."
"Another amazing track in collaboration with Cris! Cris wrote all the lyrics and performed all the vocal parts. So looking forward to getting this one out to the world. Thanks again Cris...you're a star!"
"great engineer and very easy to work with, listens to any feedback and makes sure it’s perfect for me. Love the way he makes the vocals sound🙏🏽"
"This is my second time working with Sergei. Again he exceeded my expectations with his guitar parts and elevated my songs with what he played. Sergei just got the ear, feel and touch to play exactly what the songs need!"
"I have worked with Tim now on three projects and can't rate him highly enough. Always professional, on time and delivers an exceptional product. "