Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with OMMIJ center
I produce music for the Nr.1 Ayahuasca Healing Center in the World, and Collaborated with Global Artists and Professional Orchestras. Bringing your musical vision to life with top-tier production quality. I'm a specialist in turning your ideas into great music
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Hello! I am the owner and lead producer/engineer a Soul M3chanix Studios based out of LA. I am a graduate from Berklee College of Music and our staff have worked with major Interscope and Columbia artists. We offer recording services out of studio in North Hollywood, along with full mixing and production services. We can work within your budget!
A strong female vocalist/songwriter with a modern sound and a wide range.
Over 10 years of experience in audio production with a B.S. in audio production and course directors’ awards in mixing from Full Sail University. I own and operate a certified Pro Tools recording studio here in Kansas City Missouri and have mixed songs for popular artist such as Lil Scrappy, Mozzy, and many others.
Shoulda went to Bacon Mixing engineer from Atlanta Quality over quantity
We offer the best JC Physics tuition in Singapore.
Experiences in differents type of music such as pop music, rap, rock, even classical records.
(*Free Work*) No charge, want material to practice mixing with. Self taught (want to be) mix engineer. I have been mixing my own music for roughly three years.
In these 9 years of career, Felipe had the opportunity to release his songs on major record labels, still with his old project, FREQNCY. His releases have already been released on Universal Music Group, Sony Music, Altafonte, Som Livre, Future House Music, House Mag, and finally on the English Release Records, with “In This World”, with Third Party
Recent Successes
"Lee is one of the most profound mixing engineers I've ever met. His knowledge and love for music shows in every mix he did for me. He went far and beyond my wishes for mix, and understood my vision. I can't wait to wo..."
"I've worked with Lady Luck studios for over a year now. We started with production and now mostly co write together. I feel absolutely spoiled working with Kate. She has the most clever lyrics and always seems to smoo..."
"Had an unforeseen last minute revision to a track before mix. Chad got it taken care of on short notice so I could keep my mix schedule. Another great experience!"
"You are the best!! Thanks for another magical mastering of my song. And for all your patience and all your help Love u man! Ps: And thanks for the mp3 :) /Peppe Ekberg"
"It was a pleasure working with Aaron. The mastering was fantastic. We would recommend him to anyone looking for EDM mastering. Good stuff!"
"J.O.Y is my first collab with another singer and he made this the best experience it could possibly be! He is patient, kind, supportive and yet really professional. Our voices worked really well together - also becaus..."
"Julie is awesome, I will definitely be asking her to lend her vocals again. "
"Kody is a highly talented singer who has Brandon Flowers meets Twin Shadows vibe. Highly recommend working with and I can't wait to work on more music with him!"