Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lil Cri
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I am currently a student at AI majoring in audio production. However, I have experience in video production and photo manipulation (Photoshop).
Death metal drummer, songwriter, electronic music producer, audio + SFX designer, vocalist, chiptune artist and award-winning videogame composer. Exceedingly proficient in authentic retro and 8-bit music production.
Hi! I'm Gunther. I'm finishing up my degree in Audio engineering this year (it only took me 6 but that's a long story!) I recently moved my family to the Nashville area, and am trying to make it here as an engineer. I have a passion for Contemporary Christian, gospel, and rock music, and would be glad to work for you. Contact me.
I started my music journey in 2011. i always wanted to produce music and explore the ocean of sounds because from my childhood day’s i was attracted to the instruments and my personal choice of music is soul, film score, pop, edm and inspirations compositions.
I’m a young Caribbean-American with an ear and voice for any genre! SpreadLOVE
Funk Brazil Music Producer - Funk Mandela - Funk Consciente - Funk Ostentação (all styles)
la música es un lenguaje que hace sentirme diferente y encontrarme a mi mismo
Ignite Your Music's Soul: Mixing & Mastering with Rahul/Franky.
Recent Successes
"He is a great musician, and he will raise your track to another level."
"AyEL is an amazing talent as a songwriter and singer. I would highly recommend. Five star musically and professionalism."
"Maria was great to work with, sent me back a demo straight away and worked with me to get the track just right. Would recommend to anyone and am definitely going to work with her again. "
"Román did a great job with his very well versed playing style. The charango gave the song that little something extra. Super easy communication furhtermore. 10/10!"
"Very knowledgable, kind, and quick! Rescued some truly awful quality audio and gave us helpful knowledge about it as well. We gave him a garbage recording and he fixed it right up (and kept us informed about the proce..."
"Varti did an amazing job on our mix. He has great communication and went above and beyond to make sure we have the best sounding final product. I look forward to working with him on future projects."
"Second time working with Austin and he produced another great song for me! Super happy with how it came out and all the detail that Austin added to it until it was perfect! Thanks again!!"
"So much fun to collaborate. Always brings projects to a new level. Always Awesome. I hate the phrase "Dan the Man." but... Dan is the man. "
"Sedric is an ultimate pro. He provided the perfect vocals i needed in an amazing short time. Thnaks man, hope we will work together in the future!"
"This time Liam has really gone the extra mile, thank you!"