Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pendalum
Where Raw Meets Refined – Crafting the Ultimate Rock & Metal Sound!
“Shut Up and Play your Guitar.” Frank Zappa
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Compositor, Productor en formacion y estudiante de Op. de Sonido.
Ready to give you the fullest effort I possibly can to give you the best finished product.
I'm KRML, a young singer-songwriter, who specializes in EDM, particularly Progressive House, Future House & Big Room. My collaboration with Nicolas Lavent, called 'Heroicis', is a great example of the kind of music I make : emotional & uplifting dance music.
I’ve worked 7 years with songwriting, and 5 years as an artist. I’ve worked with everything from RnB to EDM, but specialize in pop and EDM. Both writing and vocals.
Media Composer based in Belgium, specialized in vidéo/movie scoring.
Hey, im damagelabel. I like working on different styles of music, my colorful and at the same time dark style is unique and allows to transmit a special energy for your covers, I can also animate them in gif for platforms like spotify or other social networks. see all my creations on my Insta : Damagelabel
I'm an Americana/Bluegrass Singer/Songwriter located in the Cincinnati, Ohio area. My guitar playing style is a combination of Blues and Bluegrass, and I'm looking forward to expanding my musical horizons and working with inspiring people! I love collaborating on projects that need guitar fills/solos and/or artists interested in co-writing.
Roderick (Rock) Vincent has years of experience in the studio as well as behind the console on a live show. He has went through audio engineering training at Los Angeles Recording School, and has also earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Audio Production at Sanford Brown College. Worked at Digital Insight Recording Studio in Las Vegas.
Recent Successes
"I sent Jonas my song with VST strings as a reference. He nailed down the melody I wanted and his emotional playing is impossible to capture with VST strings. In fact, I loved his recordings so much that I just sent..."
"So often in life you are let down by people you work with because their vision and skills are not what they sold you. ADRIAN IS NOT ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE. ADRIAN IS MAGIC AND ADRIAN KNOWS HOW TO COMMUNICATE. When you ..."
"Federico worked on a bass foundation for a track of mine and MY OH MY, I am beyond impressed and excited. He boosted the song with his incredible creativity and professionalism! If you're looking for a bassist, I HIGH..."
"WOWWWW! Bonafide SUPERSTAR!!! I'm thrilled with the vocals from Allison Iraheta on my two songs! Not only is the performance top notch - emotive, powerful - there are options for me to choose from, and gorgeous BGVs. ..."
"Third time around with Andrew and I continue to be blown away by the quality of his work! Always first class creativity, communication and results."
"Was amazing to work with Sara! I'm very happy with how the song turned out! Professional, great singer, songwriter and super kind! Looking forward to do more work together with her!"