Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pastor Electrico
I can play what the song needs or I can add an extra twist that can change completely the mood of your music.
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Logan is a freelance engineer in New York City. Based out of Engine Room Audio and willing to travel. He has worked with artists of all ages and genres including Post work for PBS, NBC, and other national radio stations.
I am a Producer, musician and mix engineer based in the UK. At the age of 17 i obtained a grade 8 distinction on trumpet and have successfully blended experienced musicianship with music production. I have produced and engineered a large number of records and genres, gaining nationalairplay. I strive to raise the bar in professionalism every day.
Playing flute, sound designing and audio engineering, I enjoy the sound in many ways!
Hi! My name is Jake Knox and I am a Multi Instrumentalist Session Musician in Los Angeles, CA. From multi-platinum Bipolar Sunshine (DJ Snake, Gryffin, Beyonce) to talented indies Lily Lyon, and even my own Jake Knox project! My goal is to give your song the dimension and punch that it deserves, while using the best gear. Lets do it
Greetings, I'm Mike Markowski, I work at Robot Master Studios where I edit audio and music sound files for bands and video production clients. After spending 15 years working and learning as a musician and entrepreneur recording artist, I've created Robot Master Studios.
With over 40 years of experience, I've earned several platinum and gold plaques drumming on albums that have sold collectively over 10 million copies worldwide (vely won six Grammys). My artist resume includes TLC, Monica, Stevie Nicks, Debra Killings, N'Dea Davenport, Adam Nitti, Randy Hoexter JOI, Rehab, and so many more! Hire me and hear why!
You want someone with a really good ear? That's me!
I'm a classically trained professional vocalist, regionally known in the Northeast as a performer, singer, songwriter, pianist and guitarist. I have a warm, smooth sound that can cross genres easily. I recently have been on tour with the Boston Pops as their featured vocal percussionist and solo understudy. I'm able to record in my own pro studio.
Recent Successes
"Had such great time working with David ! He had a great vision of what I presented and added his creative ideas and production which gave something amazing. Working with him is a sure choice !"
"Great to work with Marcello, as always works hard to make an excellent track in a professional and kind manner. Spot On !"
"It was an absolute pleasure working with Aaron and I could not recommend him highly enough. Always on hand for a quick call to help steer me in the mix and his advice and council was exactly what was needed. I receive..."
"Attentive to detail and Driven to deliver the best result possible. A producer of many talents. Strongly recommend. "
"Very nice to work with Fabian, he always have solutions for the problems and gives you very good tips so we can get better and better. Also very patient and have a very open mind and ideas for your track. 5 STARS FO..."
"im absolutely satisfied with the service i received. Steve is professional, punctual, and very easy to work with. totally worth the money. thank you, Steven!"
"Another great experience with Sakari. She is simply super in terms of quality of work, creativity, deadlines and it is always amazing her ability to capture the emotion of my work, creating vocals that perfectly fits ..."