Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Pink 50's
Producer & mix engineer with expertise across a wide array of genres spanning from punk, metal, pop to hip-hop, R&B, electronic, and more! I bring to the table a knack for transforming a client's ideas & concepts into a great record.
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House and Disco producers - London
You need good songs ? Beautiful harmonised Songs that are easy listening but not boring? I've got some.... You need a sax line or solo for studio or live ? soulfull, emotional playing that keeps the groove on the horn, that's me !! Or you need some lyrics; I write in 3 languages - FRENCH - ENGLISH & GERMAN
Songwriter on the Lumineers' album Cleopatra ("Where the Skies Are Blue"); Currently mastering from my home studio while not working on my own project (Abe Abraham)!
GRAMMY nominated Irish mixer, producer, and engineer based in London. Credits include 5 UK Top Ten singles, Burna Boy’s GRAMMY nominated album 'Love, Damini', Clean Bandit’s 'What Is Love?' (US & UK Gold certified), and Michel Polnareff’s 'Polnareff Chante Polnareff' (Gold certified).
Songwriter, bass player
Rnb,hip hop,trap,house,ukgarage beat maker..check me out on instagram(adamskibinski) and decide for yourself if I'm good enough
I am a classically-trained violinist with knowledge of multiple styles; winner of international violin competitions and currently running an established concert carrier. I will be providing top-quality sound recorded in an acoustically-treated home studio.
Hi, my name is Rafael Moreira. I've been a bass player in Brazil for 15 years, and I've worked with several Brazilian artists. I am available to attend your production. Let's talk? Call me so I can understand your demand and contribute to your need. I have some videos available on my social networks. Check it out at @rafamoreirabass
Recent Successes
"Pablo did an SPECTACULAR job with a Jazz Waltz arrangement of "My Favorite things" that I sent him sheet music for. He captured the Jazz Waltz Swing "feel" of the piece PERFECTLY!! And he even made a revision for me..."
"This man is GOATED! Simple. Priceless quality at a very inexpensive price. He doing it for the culture bro! I’m sending more work his way and I’d advise y’all to do the same. Salute"
"Every beat maker, myself included, has their 911 - Bogo has become that for me. Once again, he makes the idea a realization - what I think he actualizes - perfectly. Beautiful work. Thank you!"
"Fast and cordial, easy to work with and gave few versions! Hope to work with Peter in the future. "
"If i haven't said it before " Ziv is da man !!! " 100% professional , will do the best to make you happy and upgrade your music."
"I recently had a track mastered by Aaron Roman on Soundbetter, and the results are nothing short of spectacular! Aaron's expertise brought out the best in my music, adding a touch of sonic brilliance that elevated it ..."