Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Paracaidistas
I can compose and play arrangements, record it and mix it. I play keyboard, guitar, bass and sing. I specialize in many genres of music: Pop, rock, soul, funk, indie, alternative, etc.
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More providers:
Recording Engineer and Editor for Through The Roots "Take You There" Album (Top 3 Reggae Albums iTunes), Multi-instrumentalist (Guitar on Playfight's "Mutt" Album, 2014 Temecula Valley International Film Festival’s Audience Choice Award winning band, bass and drums on Kyle Castellani's solo debut and sophmore records, "Pseudoromance", "Lemonade").
I provide the right notes in the right order. Challenge me.
Tastefully traditional sound with multi stringed instrument versatility.
We've been rapping in many location since 2003. We've worked with Christian Rappers such as DA T.R.U.T.H., Flame, Gemstones, John Givez and many more. In addition to working with the top Rappers in the Christian music business, we've been at some of the top churches in the U.S. for Christian Rap. I you want someone for youth events look no further.
I am a composer and stage artist active since 1982. I have done multiple tours around europe and played with several bands. My style one would describe as 'alternative'.
I’ve grown up studying music, and listening to every style... ever. Thankfully that helped me develop a great ear and the vocal ability to sing any genre!
I'm a mixing engineer from Turkey.
Always trying to show the emotional core of a production or a mix... Big love for analog gear, depth and good songs!
Recent Successes
"I could communicate with the engineer in order to decide the detail of my sound. I appreciate it."
"Sean was very knowledgeable. I in in such a better position to create music because of my lesson with song. I highly recommend Sean!"
"I again had a great experience. Adam was quick and communicated effectively. This is our third song together, and I'm looking forward to the next. I highly recommend Adam. Especially if you are on the greener side and..."
"Rob did an amazing job! Could not be happier, absolutely top-notch! Would highly recommend if you want your track to be radio-ready and to stand out!"
"I did not think Dyna could top herself but she is the bomb!!! I mean Dyna will absolutely give life and direction to your songs. I’m currently on the edge of my seat right now in excitement over the song she just fini..."
"Chad totally nailed the part for me. Fantastic to work with!!"
"Chuck was a pleasure work with. The track itself is rubato flexible tempo and it also required a delicate touch as it is a song that breathes. Chuck saw this immediately and provided some options, all of which were..."
"Ivo was exceptional to work with! Very impressive, he managed to encapsulate the right kind of sound I was hoping for. Even some slightly odd timing and rhythm I'd requested was captured, in fact everything was played..."