Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Owlchemy Labs
Charissa Whillock is a crossover coloratura soprano whose ease between genres has landed her opportunities from playing leads in opera to belting the blues in a dive bar. She can create large belt to a small wispy sounds and has large range that can accommodate and incorporate details that only highly skilled singers can create.
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FOH Stage System Eng.
Feeling music easily.
As a music producer I enjoy having a spectrum of styles. I've worked with fully established bands and instrumentalists, and also individual pop artists. I strive to take your vision for your music and not only make it happen, but make it better than you imagined.
See you at the top !! Done 15000 hours already
We are a professional agency focused on music & sound production. Since 2015 we provide services like composing, writing, recording, producing, editing, sound design, mixing, mastering etc. We have been working mostly with clients in the industry but also with artists and musicians.
An experienced producer and proficient mixing and mastering engineer from Los Angeles, California.
Mixing your project will be my pleasure.
Experienced audio engineer offering high-quality work at competitive rates to build credits. With access to top gear and studio spaces, I’m dedicated to delivering professional results that meet your needs. Let’s create something great together.
Recent Successes
"Oh my! Karen is so SO talented. Sometimes shorter reviews have more impact than longer, more detailed ones. We have lots of amazing things to say about Karen, but this time we'll just say, "wow!" HIGHLY recommend. "
"I’ve followed Fingazz for over 15 years, was a blessing to work with him and get a beat for my production needs. He delivered like I hope he would. Another Fingazz Classic!"
"If you've been following viral hits on Spotify, then you know what I mean by "epic vocalists." Jazelle is a dynamic singer/lyricist that'll deliver major label quality to your project. She's been an absolutely blessin..."
"The reason Jayy Starr's name is Jayy Starr, is cause she is a STARR and always goes above and beyond on every project we work on together. Can't wait til the next one, thanks again Jayy!"
"Working with Justo was a bliss; excellent vocals, great recordings, and friendly communication - highly recommended, full 5 stars!"
"Fast, pro, really good ears! "
"10/10 as always"
"We are on a roll!!!!! Sean and I just seem to hum together in harmony on the making of this song. "